Thursday, August 1, 2024

Summer Time

The scorching summer days will be drawing to a close in the next week or two. And I find myself physically craving beer. I quit drinking ages ago and I’ve never craved booze once. But I’ve been craving suds all through this summer. I day dream about a four pack of Kilkenny…I’d inhale the first three and sip the last one…. But then I think of the drowsiness, the hangover… and the …money…  booze is insanely expensive now. 

I could crack off a batch of home brew… but hell’s bells…that’s five gallons of beer when I only want a few glasses. I am already the size of a whale and I don’t need all the calories.

Gawd I hate being old sometimes…😞


  1. According to Ben Franklin “beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.
    Crack a beer and see if the niglet will share it with you.

  2. I swill FAXE Royal Strong, it's 8%. It gives me more bang for my buck as it takes only a few to relieve the pain of living in this clown show.

    Chutes Magoo

  3. Drink responsively, just do two, it works, I'm a cheap drunk. I checked yer bank accounts, you can afford it. Plan on a nap afterword. Yer fren Drunk Mike. Well, slightly buzzed Mike, you get the idea.

  4. I got a personal tour of the Molson brewery in Toronto by the plant manager back in 1966.

  5. Quit drinking that Canadian swill you call beers up there.
