Thursday, August 1, 2024

Conversational Fatigue: Forked Tongues And Fucked Heads

This is gonna be a quick one.

The problem with the Jewish Question is that most normies don’t want to ask the question and absolutely NO ONE wants to try and answer it. Phil poasted up this one the other day where this kid puts his entire future on the line by speaking out honestly on the problems posed largely by jews. This is why the jewish question is so tiresome. The kid has looked around. He sees what’s going on. He sees who the players are. He accurately sums up their deeds. But he can’t help himself. He gobbles, “I don’t hate jews!!! I don’t hate Israel!!!”


This is typically where the conversation goes off the rails. Some sanctimonious ass-holy rolling Christian will tell me that I have to love my enemies, turn the other cheek, and take whatever guff those sinners are handing out. Then there’s the secular virtue signalling pin heads. “You’re a hater!!!! You hate jooooooos! You’re a Nazi!!!! Fuck yooooouuuuuu!!!”. This is the way the conversation always ends. Every. Single. Time.

For me… a spade is a spade. If you want to polish turd and call it gold…we ain’t got much to talk about.


  1. Believe that was Phil lol

    1. Oops! My bad… I will correct it…

  2. Halleluiah and you get the golden calf! Yup, we sure get the middle of the right and all the left to harass and denigrate us for our wide awake views and calling out what we have seen, Eyes wide open!

    1. I see what you did there…πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

      That guy insulated from the truth by his money, possibly by his intellectual laziness and geographic location. He thinks his ignorance is virtue and I have no time for that dork at all.

  3. One caveat, it was Phil, but I have posted some similar.

  4. The Jew cries in agony as he is beating you to death.

    1. It is a truism. So is the one that says, “the jew will regale you with his tales of woe and what happened to him…but he’ll never say a peep about WHY it happened…”

  5. The absolute 100% truth came from The Messiah Jesus when he said they are the Synagogue of Satan and that salvation comes only through Jesus. The New Testament is the end of all covenants for the SOS which have shown themselves to be truly evil deviants and NOT Gods chosen. Every Single Time is dammed accurate and true.
    They are the source of most of the worlds evil and sadness. Prove me wrong….. can’t be done%
