Thursday, August 15, 2024

Oi! Think I’ll Sit This Next One Out, Nigel…


Given all the faggotry and self destructive behaviours coming outta Europe and the UK… like - fuck those guys. They had their own guns, they had their rights and freedoms and they pissed them away. I suppose we aren’t much better but at this point…I guess we’ve all chosen to hang separately…


  1. I will note after World War II, all the guns Americans sent over were sunk off the Port of London. Sorry can't go to the trouble of sending them back. They're dangerous don't you know.

    1. Yeah, was going say the same. Fuck them. How many classic Colts and S&W revolvers were destroyed? Fuck them even harder.

  2. Those assholes deserve everything that’s coming to them, T, and no bones about it.

  3. One did get sent back. It was sold at auction by Rock Island Auction Company a few years back. The individual that sent it over to the UK had used it to win numerous competitions and had affixed a metal plaque to the buttstock asking for its return after hostilities ended. It did get returned at the end of the war. I don't remember the rest of the history of that gun, but someone got a real treasure after the end of that auction.

    Phil K

  4. Y'know... I hate talking like this, but hell's bells - our leaders are virtue signalling asswipes importing third world trash - supposedly to prove how compassionate they are - when they can't and won't look after the people they already have. Our own kids can't get decent jobs, they can't afford food or rent - and these violent, illiterate retards from over the rainbow are being dumped on cities and towns with no means to support them.

    If I had any advice to give the people protesting in the streets and being confronted by asshole cops in riot gear - it would be this: go for the joints! Bust those sons of whores up and put them in the hospital! And as for that kippered f-tard wanting to extradite foreigners for poasting the truth on the internet - hang that bastard first!

    At some point this shit has to stop.
