Saturday, August 31, 2024



The science of genetics has obliterated classical Darwinism. Invertebrates don’t turn into fish, fish don’t turn into amphibians, amphibians don’t turn into mammals. End of story. 


  1. Great logical illustration, but it'll piss off the Creationists.

    1. There's nothing "logical" about it.
      It's straight-up propaganda.

      Anyone can write such a simplistic "chain".
      But there's no fossil evidence of any of those steps "evolving" into the next one.

      It's just Darwinian Evolution fairytales, backed up by "Trust us. We're scientists. So it must be true."

      Say, how'd that plan work out for you with COVID?

  2. Some people got distracted by a shiny rock and stopped a 3 or 4 steps back. There is a troop of them that I saw when I had that layover at the Mn/SP airport.


  3. Then explain how I'm on the trail of the missing link. There's a small tribe of them in central Africa, and the Brits are mulling over the feasibility of funding the expedition right now!

    And if not the British, there's an Alligator farm along Route A1A in Florida that has a curiosities museum attached to it. They have expressed an interest, and want an option on lectures.

    So... do you have any plans for November of this year?

  4. It should say devolving into the future.

  5. Great propaganda poster. It probably won't be much longer before even the awakening normies figure out that EVERYTHING (((They))) have been teaching/preaching has been lies and partial lies, at LEAST since the late 1700's. For some areas of influence and "knowledge", it goes back thousands of years. Remember, until a few hundred years ago, the Priesthood (politicians) ran the world, because they had the Secret Societies, Secret, Sacred Knowledge (math and occult). But I'm just some old conspiracy nut, so wudda i know? OH! WAIT, I KNOW! I know I'm glad Christ came to tutor/save/die for us.
    The evil phuquers can be fought on the secular level also, the ones that are meat sacks.
