Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Toast To British Justice! The Envy Of The Modern World… ๐Ÿบ



  1. The world is a safer place today. Thank YOU for stopping such a dangerous person

  2. The UK isn't a free world. Last I looked, they had a King and Queen arrangement, although they're calling it something else. They don't have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and certain other inalienable rights. Nope, those things are dangerous!

    As for the anti-migration protests, the protesters should be meeting at night with night vision equipment and silenced nines, then cleaning out a block or six. Make the streets safer for the people who live there.

  3. Cops: I vass just doink mein job! Fucking cowards!

    Chutes Magoo

  4. In the USA we have citizens (so far, barely.) In Great Britain they have subjects, and it shows.
