Friday, August 23, 2024


I did alright last night! I didn’t poop the bed until 4:30! πŸ‘

Now I gotta get up, make the wife her morning coffee, then grab the Niglet and go on Dawg Patrol. We’ve been getting a lot an early fog lately…a harbinger of fall. I don’t obey traffic lights in the early morn when no one’s on the road and I nearly got kilt with the pup. I crossed a busy street against the light the other day … and this idiot kid came barelling outta the early morning fog in a beat up shitmobile with one light out and the other dim and flickering. He laid on the horn (which did work) at 5:30 in the morn - and Hannah and I sprinted for our lives. 

He went blasting by, gums flapping and flipping the bird in rage. All I could do was smile back and wave. It was all my fault. I felt sorry for the driver…having to get up early go to work before the birds… and having to dodge arseholes before he even got in the door at work.

For those of you that are behind the wheel, bearing down on the car in front of you, or dodging the other retards on the road… remember - it’s Friday


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