Friday, August 23, 2024

Go Ahead. You Tell Me What That Looks Like...?

 I was raised in a home where Evolution was considered established fact, and that creationism was something pushed by grifters, dullards and bible thumpers. I won't bore you by going over the pitfalls and failures of classical evolutionary theory. As the wretched, contrary Fred Reed says - if you want to believe a Swiss watch or a 747 can assemble itself from naturally occurring parts... go ahead. 

For me... God doesn't talk to me but I can feel His presence. It's enough. And - if you watch very, very carefully... you might see His hand in motion. You'll see Him working in the damnedest places too. Can I say that? Is that blasphemy? Whatever - lookit this:

Why - that, to me... looks EXACTLY like your average chit house motor/gearbox that you can go down and buy at Princess Auto, the UFA, Motion, or one a the other industrial suppliers. It even goes into reverse the exact same way. It is an ingenious, elegant and simple design - at the molecular level.

Like I say... I have never had a Holy Epiphany, nor do I get visions or messages from our Maker... but I see his work in little things that most people dismiss and take for granted. It makes me smile. To me, it is proof that we are our Father's sons - and that great minds think alike. We are more than a random collection of inert chemicals and walking meat sacks - and we are here for a reason. One day maybe we'll start acting like it.


  1. God's real. He's helped me overcome some major issues this year.

  2. God speaks to us all. We just need to pray and listen quietly for His response. Remember; in the Old testament, Elijah found that God's voice was in the whisper:

    11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”

    Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

    1 Kings 19:11-12

    God's typical genius was that He created all, and made that creation able to EVOLVE to survive!

  3. Well, SOME of us aren't walking, narcissistic, socio/psychopathic, lying, thieving, raping, murdering, Satanic, meat sacks. There, fixed it for ya. Yer fren, AKA, Tree Mike: eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn, at your service (if I weren't a couple thousand miles away and quite so broke), but my heart is there.
    Thanks for your service to Truth, Justice and the (north) American way!
