Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gifts From God

 Hannah is now officially off probation after disgracefully nipping her mom. I dunno what it is but women have a serious genetic problem they all share: they just can’t stand to see anyone - dawg, monkey, and even certain farm animals - content. If they’re sleeping the human female is compelled at the genetic level to ruin their peace and quiet with nagging, bitching and other sinful psychotic behaviour. Awhile back Hannah was sound asleep and the wife just had to wake her up, scare the shit out of her…and the pup bit her before she had a chance to wake up. Like everything else in the world - it was ALL the old lady’s fault! 


But Hannah is seriously failing on other grounds. The Niglet insists on drinking out of the toilet. If I forget to flush that’s just fine with her … she just gets a great, big bellyful of mellow, yellow recycled coffee. Then she goes and sits by her Mom, the old lady can smell it on her breath and then she flips out on me for forgetting to flush rather than on the dawg for drinking it!


I dunno what goes through women’s heads sometimes. It was like that when I was a kid fighting with Big Bro. Mom always said, “I don’t CARE who started it!!!” So? You ream out both kids rather than the one responsible, you stupid old bitch? Jeez!!!

The whole business makes me wonder who is actually at fault in all this. Maybe BOTH of them need a good, stern talk to the back of my hand! A good bitch slapping sessions would be sooo good on the mental health, eh? It’d be good for them too!

Think I’ll just get Constable JL on the horn, and tell him to pass on the domestic dispute he’s going to hear about later today … he can just go to Tim Horton’s on my dime while I sort out some serious domestic issues here at the castle … I better limber up my arm!

I think I’ll slap mom out too.

YOU better mind your P’s n’ Q’s today too!


Move over little dogs. 

The big dog’s in charge in this house!


  1. Why, that's mighty white of you, Glen.

    You ask me, the problem today is that not enough slaps are being handed out to the right people. I think more folks out there might be a tad more judicious about how far they push their luck if there were absolute and immediate consequences for it.
