Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Your morning should begin with a brisk early walk with the dawg. Avoid people, the news, and the computer. Follow that with a great, big breakfast that you probably shouldn’t eat. Cook it yourself and stay off the computer. Load the thermos and the truck…golf clubs, fishin rods…maybe a go on a range trip or out to the RC airfield. Or go to work without checking the social media.

There are some days that the world needs to seriously go suck a fart, and a fella’sgotta be mindful of his mental health. 


  1. The jews own and control this country and they are on a mission to destroy the white race. All candidates don the tiny hat and dance to the puppeteer's manipulations, including facilitating the Great Replacement. Then (((They))) will control the entire world and be the Masters of slaves on a global plantation. This is the prophecy this is the real definition of Zionism. Total authoritarian police state
