Thursday, July 4, 2024

“We Lost The Country…”

That’s the way an old Russian stubfart described it when he referred to the breakup of the old Soviet Union. When it failed, it was being led by old, drunk, corrupt geezers that were so old, they should have been in a home rather than an office. They didn’t give a hoot about the kids or the country; all they cared about was their place at the pig trough and doing anything they could to prop up the system that put them there. But the house of cards came crashing down and they were swept away and forgotten. 

Today Russia is more powerful than ever before. They have the third strongest economy and currency in the world, they are at the centre of the best trade agreements the BRICS could put together, and all this in spite of the costly war with NATO in the ‘Kraine. They have their country back, and it shows.

It’s a popular thing to compare the fall of the US to that of Ancient Rome. I wonder if the Soviet Union might be a better comparison?

Best of luck to you Yanks on this 4th of July. I hope you have plenty of beer, fireworks, and meat for the BBQ, and that going forward - you remember these days as good ones. An era is passing and maybe a lot of good things will come about, in time.


  1. More like the Soviet Union. For your enjoyment.

  2. We'll muddle through, somehow, energetically if necessary...maybe...

  3. If we can come through the fall of our empire as quickly and as cleanly as Russia did, and again be a Christian country as they are, we'll be blessed indeed.
