Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Perfect Woman Doesn’t Exist - …



  1. Love your blog, followed it from the start.
    Went swimming with Chevy key fob, big mistake. Only the Dealer has the proper fob and software.
    Surprisingly my local cow town Dealer where I was raised on a 80 acre farm attempted to gouge me. I was going to pay the extra $100 I was quoted, but the new cashier who looked only good for sucking on cucumbers didn't know what money was or how to count it. After waiting too long I drove 90 minutes to the big city where I was treated like a King at their dealership.
    $180 for two key fobs, Instead of the $280 for the exact same fob plus $95 each for programming in home town. Oil change was $70 instead of $120 at home town. Some money-man grifter bought out farm town Dealership and gouging The Dirt People.
    Bottom line: Never go swimming with key fob in pocket.
    Also sometimes it's the exception that shows the rule.
    I'm thinking letter to the editor of cowtown, or even a paid ad.
    My People Need To Know there is a Wolf among the Sheep.

    1. Letter to the editor?
      Nah. Word-of-mouth more stronger, and the origin can never be pinpointed.

  2. What, no mustard or catsup?!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. She MIGHT not be perfect, I better check... it'll only take a minute.

  4. She's kinda fat but with a tray like that, I'd give her a courtesy romp.
