Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sleepless In Stubfartville

This is the story of my Stubfart Nightlife…😡 

I come back from doing my business and there’s the Niglet - snoring and drooling on my pillow! And because she’s playing in the park all the time, she tracks sand into the bed!🤬 

Oh well, it’s too damned hot to sleep anyways. I’ll go sleep in my chair and crank the fan up.

G’night everyone!

🎼 Mr. Sandman!
Please kill my dog! 🎵 
The little shit is a selfish bed hog… 🎶 


1 comment:

  1. I waved as i went past your neck of the woods but the only one to wave back was some guy in the ditch picking up cans in an orange jump suit.

