Monday, July 8, 2024

The Filthie Book Burner


This one, right here…would be perfect
to get the blaze started…

I have several volumes of these books, inspired by my batshit crazy mother. Last Friday I was commanded to her Majesty’s presence to rearrange her house. With Pop gone, I get it. My grandmother went through the same thing, when their men pass on they want to switch things up a bit - maybe to keep old ghosts at bay? Whatever - Mom was the height of courtesy and manners, she stayed out of my way to let me do the work, and I finished and even had time for an awful cup of decaff ‘coffee’.

But the next day was Saturday, my late father’s barfday… the first one she’d face alone as a widow. And sure as shite, the old sea hag came back in a fury. We stopped by on Saturday just to check in and I got it with both barrels. We agreed I was stupid and worthless, then she started unloading on Pop and what a cudgel he was. Then we all agreed she was as pure as the driven snow. I bailed out after that…Mom would just have to sort her grief and circumstances on her own. When we left she was prattling about what a stupid bitch her sister was.

Hitler had the right idea about books. There are any number of them that should be burnt - preferably along with their authors. And the stupid people that read that shite and deliberately poison their own minds.

On the other hand, there are so many that should be mandatory reading for everyone. I don’t want to preach at anyone, faith is a deeply personal thing that folks have to sort out for themselves. But…I’m currently chewing through a piece on how the Christian must control his thoughts in order to control his emotions. The average Joe, in the course of a lifetime, ‘learns’ a great many things that are basically lies. He then builds a life based on them and before he knows it, his life goes for a shit and he doesn’t know why. It doesn’t even occur to him to double check all his assumptions, preconceived notions and the way he views the world. The world today is packed to the rafters with people like that. I was one for most of my life. I struggle with the bible more than I should; I was born an atheist. But… by Godfrey… I cannot stress how much easier it is to deal with folks like mom when you view them through a biblical lens. 

Her time is so short. But it is for us all, I guess. We owe it to ourselves and others to use it to be the best people we can be.


  1. Controlling thoughts is the one thing with my wife that I cannot get thru her head. She claims she can't control what she thinks, but then she never even tries. She'll get upset, fixated on one emotion (usually despair, sometimes "righteous" anger, sometimes grief) and then remember and relive all the times in her life when she experienced that same emotion, repeating the same scenes over and over. Which, of course, amplify that same emotion and then create a very intense feedback loop driving her right down the rabbit hole.

    There's no control, no attempt at control, no recognition of the lack of control. And I'm supposed to be supportive but the moment I suggest maybe we talk about something else I get accused of not being supportive.

    There's a reason the Bible doesn't want women in leadership positions. And also a very good reason the Bible doesn't want men acting like women. We have too much of both in our world today - women, woman-like men, and man-childs in leadership position all trying to rule based on emotions and uncontrolled thinking.

    You're not alone here, take courage and stock up on whiskey. It helps. Sometimes.

    1. Whisky will work… for awhile. And you are being supportive, bad habits are hard to break…

    2. I get the same from my wife. She RUMINATES over a situation, RELIVING IT again and again. If I try to smooth her feathers I get canned for it. If I look away, I get canned for it. Your are 110% right. Women SHOULD NOT be in leadership roles. They're too emotion-led.

  2. Sometimes, the best thing two people can have between them is distance...

    I submit Peter and Paul as "exhibit A," Your Honor...

    1. That’s exactly right, Pete. Life’s too short as it is…

  3. Hitler had the right idea about books. There are any number of them that should be burnt - preferably along with their authors.

    Okay, think. I know it's painful, but try. No one reads anymore, which is why the public libraries in the U.S. of A. have public smart terminals to the Internet. How else will the fat she-boons get their daily dose of porn and propaganda? It's video clips.

    The video clips, particularly the pseudo-news and left wing propaganda clips should be destroyed, along with their creators. This would automatically eliminate the whatever-sex freaks and at least half the parasites. The books you object to (with good reason) would likely go out of print due to the lack of an audience.

    And, while I'm at it, allow me to remind you that just because you read doesn't mean everyone else does. They don't.

    My own mother got over my abusive father's death in about three weeks. She made a nice new life for herself and enjoyed it. The Lord took good care of her, and she passed away unexpectedly one evening of a heart attack. She's in heaven, enjoying herself.

    As for me, the Lord gives me a good life, which I richly do not deserve, but for which I'm thankful.

    I'm truly sorry you have to deal with your mother's hard heart, but until she changes you have to keep reminding yourself that she's not a Christian; the evil one influences her feelings and behavior.

    Keep your stick on the ice.

    1. All too true, Jack. But that’s the kicker of it: I don’t need condolences; all I have to do for mom is the best I can - and I’m good! Sure, she goes off and I feel those old resentments boiling up…but a fella can clamp down on those, restrain and re-frame them in a dozen different ways. It takes real effort at first but it gets easier with time.

      And yes, we DO have better lives than we deserve! Everything works out in the end if you have the presence of mind to see it…
