Tuesday, July 23, 2024

She Still Needs To Be Tried And Prosecuted



  1. Why not? They always do.
    Carter: Mariel Boat Lift & Iran
    Reagan: Contra Scandal
    Clinton/Reno: Waco
    GHW Bush/ Bill Barr: Ruby Ridge
    Obama/Holder: Fast & Furious
    Koskinen/Lerner: IRS Targeting
    Obama/Clinton: Benghazi
    Fauci/Birx: Covid 19
    Biden/Harris: Afghanistan etc. (Ongoing)

    - WDS

  2. Yeah; the media is looking to memory-hole this failed assassination op as quickly as possible.

    That rooftop was LEFT unguarded... 'Nuff said...

  3. Hang her lardass. Hell, she got a terminal case of "the mans", anyway

  4. I work in govt. When I look around the office, I see _that_ menopausal bitter-bitch face on all of female (?) "leadership". Its like a uniform, or some sort of an essential requirement for them.
