Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Sedition & A Cautionary Tale About Starbuck’s

** The best coffee in Aaaaaadmontin for non-retards and enemies of The Matrix is Spinnelli’s.
They don’t put saltpetre in the brew or let the cats urinate in the coffee machine
like they do at Starbucks, there’s no having to write your name on your cup to distinguish 
you from the other gormless NPC cattle, and you won’t get lectured by a pink haired retard about
race, rainbows, or the environMINT.

In the early morn, you can watch pretty girls behind the counter in yoga pants 
prepping the lunch time sammiches n subs that
have enough meat in them to redline the cholesterol in guys like Fred Flintstone. 


  1. The best coffee is the stuff that comes out of my 1951 Pyrex GLASS percolator! I live in a podunk Western town that the county has decided is the perfect dumping ground for bums, both street and Welfare, illegals, and parolees. The average income here is $28K US/year. And yet, there are FIVE Starbucks, all replete with their lines at the drive-through. As goes with tattoos, when money gets tight, these people will say "I wish I had all the money I pissed away on bad, expensive coffee right now!"

    1. Agreed. And I will drink that coffee, poured from a jerry can into a dirty cup! I like mine black! :)

  2. I'm calling bullshit. Complete and total bullshit.

    1. What tipped ya off, Don...? :)

    2. I was at the lesbian tofu vegan collective restaurant when a person walked in with a MAGA hat. All eyes turned on they/them and a shout arose, Trump!Trump!Trump! Everyone had tears in their eyes and they all hugged, knowing in a few months Trump would be president and all would be right in the world. True story bro, l swear.

  3. I don't like the burnt brew they serve at Starbucks, but I occasionally go there for a pail of free fertilizer. Use coffee grounds are good for the corn patch.

    1. Yep. Totally agree on the burned down comment - I think it's because it's meant to be mixed with garbage flavorings and lots of cream. For people that turn their coffees into fat pills...

  4. Don't know about Spinelli's, but you need to try 'Vi's for Pies'. You'll be glad you did.

    And I say this even in light of being the worst global citizen I can be.

    1. Hmpffffff! I don't get out enough - I will have to try them out...

  5. "I'll take Shit That Never Happened for four hundred, Alex."

  6. Hope you're ok.
    The cattle are not allowed to talk poorly about (((The Farmers)))
