Monday, July 29, 2024



She’s NOT happy, fellas.
And of course - it’s all YOUR fault.

If anyone ever asks me, I’ll say the lunacy started in earnest back in the mid-90s.  Women that ditched their men in drovesback in the 80’s but could still pretend that there were Cowboys out there that would swoop in, sweep them off their feet, and they’d live happily ever after. They urged their daughters to do the same, and many followed suit.

It would be another ten years before these women had to face facts.The cowboys and heroes they were looking for were all happily married up and wanted nothing to do with them. Their future was cats, lonlieness and antidepressants, and it became clear and obvious that the social experiments of the previous three decades have pretty much failed. 

Perhaps reason, critical thought, and common sense will become real feminine virtues again one day.


  1. Interestingly, those cowboys would still expect them to make a sammich and do the laundry.

    I saw a ton of that back in the day. I think at one point the Ex and I were the only ones of her friends still married, and married to the same person. What I see of the millennials, like my kids and their friends, is that they tend to be more focused and realistic. Then again, not many have been married even a decade yet.

    What I see a ton of (probably because I'm in that group) is 50 something women empty nesters divorcing to get their groove on (they think), travel, have 'fun', blah blah blah. BTW this is a huge genre in movies on netflix starring these old genX and boomer broads - 50-70 somethings find love again. Hell, it's Diane Keatons' stock in trade.

    Reality of it is, though, is that there are only stubfarts for them in the wild.

    1. Yep. And - the last thing those guys want is drama. They will handle the loneliness far better than the women…

    2. Ahh yes, the BS movies where a woman in her 50s lands a hot young guy who would rather be with her than a 20 year old woman. He'll put up with her BS and she will "teach him".
      That's fantasy land, not gonna happen UNLESS she's wealthy as shit and even then he'll have a young side chick.

      The other issue is that young guys NEED sex and will put up with a ton of BS to get it.
      Older guys 50+ years old have had their kids and they are grown and on their own. Their testosterone levels have dropped as well so their need for sex is much less as well thus their tolerance for a woman's BS is much less as well. They go on a date with an older woman, she starts running her mouth and they immediately go "**** that" and bail.
      The women then cry "WHERE HAVE ALL OF THE GOOD MEN GONE" ??
      Hint they are either married or happily single.

  2. It seems so odd that the Commie-jooo, pedo, Satanic genius's didn't solve the happiness problem. They seemed SO smart. The wife and I figured out LONG ago, that there's a huge difference between fun and happiness. Apparently, lotsa folks don't know that pursuit of fun can cause unhappiness.

  3. I blame The Bridges of Madison County.

  4. A buddies ugly, bitchy ex thought she could do better than him in her 50s. While he had fun banging post menopausal women that had become invisible to most men, she is celibate and so lonely she go a dog.
