Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Pictures Tell The Story: Great Pics From ‘36


Well say all ya want about You-Know-Who… he sure knew how to throw a party. During one of the ceremonies in 1936, five brand new airplanes buzzed Olympic Stadium and the world’s back channels lit up in panic and frantic messages to the world’s intelligence agencies: Germany had given the world its first look at the Messerschmitt fighter plane. It was a message to the allies that Weimar Germany was dead. The Allies were told in no uncertain terms that the old German nation was dead, and this new one wouldn’t be taking any chit off them or anyone else in the brave new world.

I think the pics coming out of the Gay Paree Olympics are proof that the Olympics are dead. This year Russia has been snubbed by all the cool kids, and the laughter and rotten jokes coming out of Moscow are lethal. They’re running hilarious commercials over there showing beardos with tits doing the 100 yard dash, effeminate flimps in tutus struggling to pick up the shot put, and screaming, purple faced massive lesbians menacing the officials and spectators with javelins.

The Usual Suspects and wanks are all over Blab wondering if the wrong guys won WW2. General Patton thought so - openly and publicly. He said the real enemy was Soviet Russia, and that the allies had made a horrible mistake. He was killed in a car accident a short time later. Coincidence? Who knows? I just saw Donald Trump dodge a bullet, fired by a retard who infiltrated a political rally carrying a rifle and a ladder in a stunning display of criminal incompetence and negligence. The fat old lady in charge resigned and nobody was charged. Was Patton’s death accidental? We may never know. Pictures and video and audio tell A story… not necessarily THE story… 

All we can say for sure, looking back on it… was that the 1936 Olympics presaged a titanic war that would suck the entire world into it. Perhaps the pics coming out of gay Paree today presage a war with God? One waged by perverts, clowns and degenerates?

I have this horrible feeling that we are in the “find out” stage of things.


  1. I look at that pic and think, holy shit how horrible would it be to have to stand at attention in the middle of that mass, 7th row in, 27th person from the left, totally invisible to the crowd as long as you stand still but sweat is running from your back down your ass crack and it itches like hell and your foot is cramping and by God why the hell do we have to stand here all fucking day and I don't care if the sergeant sees me, I'm scratching my ass right here in public.

    Yeah, I was in high school marching band and that experience cured me of any desired to be in any other outfit that required marching and/or standing in formation. I can barely maintain pace beside my wife in the mall, much less goose step alongside 100 other retards.

    1. I too hated marching and military parades. once out of basic and AIT, I always volunteered for back gate duty, way out of the way. I would ask to be on patrol duty and not be anywhere close to official military gatherings.

  2. Not interested in the olympics, they made a choice to promote degeneracy over decency, pedophilia over families, perverts over morality and mental illness over fitness.... The olympics are dead.

