Monday, July 29, 2024

Patriots & Dissidents: Abandon All Hope


When questioned about the article above, Apu The Frog farted loudly, and shambled off to the couch in defeat...


  1. She'll get most of the female vote and most of the Black vote as well. If she becomes President, I believe she could very well be the last one.

  2. They are basing that on how often kneepads is showing up in memes, without looking at how often that meme is slagging her.


  3. I reckon that creature from the WEF lagoon, Tulsi Gabbard will be the next in line if she doesn't get Arkan-cided first by the Hildebeast. She appeals to the normie red-blooded bloke as she's a bit of a looker ("I'd tap that" - I probably would too if I had the chance - hehehe), and she's clearly intelligent. She's also "served in the military" - which bears investigating into what she did. Was she deployed as a line soldier or just a clerk safe in the middle of a huge base somewhere? I cannot trust anyone with WEF connections, especially when they have anti-gun statements in their past - which are not easily found now for some reason (Gee, I wonder why).

    1. Gabbard is like Newsom. The media can bury the "negative" stories of it's candidate, but it can't bury the TESTIMONY of the people who SUFFERED under that candidate!
