Sunday, July 21, 2024

Of Crows And Vendettas

Well it looks like I'm eating crow again! 

So now the furor is beginning to die down on the Trump Whack-A-Doodle Whack job. The perp was obviously a failed social experiment of Clown World - suitably spun up and encouraged to do the deed. In a real country he'd have been arrested and taken into custody before he even fired a shot. The guy had nothing on the ball, he picked the wrong rifle for the job, even given the short distances involved, and you can tell he's a retard/incel/has screws loose just by looking at him. This guy was no professional.

Nor were the ridiculous women running the secret service. The iron law of diversity states that wherever you have gubbimint and diversity... you will have epic, biblical levels of stupidity and *uckery. I speak with authority here: when vibrance and idiocy combine the sum effect isn't addititive - it's exponential. Yes, it is entirely within the field of possibility that diversity hires would fail to lock down an obvious vantage point for bad guys with rifles.

But. Further evidence reveals that several other parties had advance notice that something was up. A reporter just happens to have a camera capable of ultra-fast shutter speeds so he can catch the vapour trail of the assassin's bullet. Some Wall Street hack dumped a ton of shares in a Trump venture at a strategic point in anticipation of his demise. And as for the ridiculous women of the secret service... I can see them botching one or two aspects of their duties and responsibilities. A security expert and former SS guy said they botched SIX elementary basic areas of a security survey and op. While I am correct that you can push the effects of stupidity a long, looooong way.... there's a point where it stops being stupidity and it turns into flat out malice. I was wrong. The conspiracy guys were right. Again.

But - that is where I get befuddled. Why send an obviously mentally defective shooter after Trump? It doesn't make sense at all. JFK was potted by professionals. That is the way they'd handle Trump - IF they were serious about it. So... why send a retarded clown? The only thing I can come up with was that they WEREN’T serious about killing him… could it be they were sending him a message? Sure - it would have been great for them if Trump had his head taken off… but a close call is good too. Trump and the dissidents got that message loud and clear too: We can take you out any time we want. You are surrounded by OUR people, and they hate you too. Beware. I see Trump’s security team are now all men who have the carriage and demeanour of contract operators rather than kindergarten teachers.

All of which leaves me scratching my head about deeper issues that might be facing western civilization in the Age Of Clowns. There is no braking mechanisms in place for these guys or their minions any more. Nobody goes to jail anymore. Nobody gets executed for treason. Nobody gets punched in the face anymore. Not only can you say whatever you want and get away with it…a lot of people can DO whatever they want too… right up to and including killing a president. What’s the answer?

All other countries and every thug knows and understands the concept of vendetta and revenge. It’s the only way to impose codes of honour and/or conduct on people that otherwise would refuse to abide them. That is exactly where Clown World is now. Under the old codes the way forward would be for shitbirds like Pelosi, Schumer or Biden to have “an unfortunate accident on their own…” Vendetta is a recognized and approved tool in organized crime because it minimizes costly turf wars and escalation of conflicts that waste time and cut into profits. Could we re-institutionalize the concept to restore some kind of honesty to our govt? I mean…look at it: we are ruled by menopausal women, rat faced mealy mouth men… and outright pedophiles, perverts, murderers, grifters… the evidence is all around us. The people screaming at us for civility are animals themselves with no concept at all of personal honour.

A solid duelling tradition needs to come back too. 


  1. Indeed sir. Indeed.

  2. "That is the way they'd handle Trump - IF they were serious about it. So... why send a retarded clown?"

    Because their incompetence was combined with their malice - they tried and failed because they suck at pretty much everything. Our country is being run by not just amateurs, but mentally defective amateurs.

    But yeah, there needs to be a lot of unfortunate "accidents" happen across the aisle in a way that states pretty clearly that those aren't accidents. Or else they'll just continue to take pot shots until someone actually connects.

  3. The intel balloons, floating above our heeds 24/7, have all the the data from every device under them including ultra high def video. There is no way that the perps were not recorded at some point getting into pos. They had to come from somewhere, find that and you have the shot callers!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Welp… it’s like the old nickel about who counts the voats, Chutes. If you have the wrong people counting the voats, or the wrong people doing surveillance and security… they’re gonna do what they do….

  4. The time is approaching quickly. Dueling? Roger that.

  5. Something about that bullet trace image keeps bugging me. I cannot recall ever seeing a similar photo of a bullet trace in the outdoors from 90 degrees (ie perpendicular to it's trajectory). It's always looking towards the target, along the projectiles' path. I'm not sure if this is physics or maybe I don't get out enough (LOL).

    I'm suspicious that the "C_strike" outage might be a "warning" to orange man, because of the incredible, out-in-the-open links of that company to other global forums . . . .

    I hope the orange fella has excellent cardiac health as a sudden, "totally-unexpected" cardiac event might not be so "unexpected", from watching events at the highest levels in other nations. I can see the headlines, the stress of his close call brought it on ! Pinky swear ! Also we promise it wasn't the medical experiment you dis-information loving bigot.

    1. Hrrrmmmmm… now that you mention it…yeah, I’ve never seen bullet traces from the side either. They’re tough enough to see from the firing line too. I’ve never seen them on the shorter 100 - 300m ranges either…when I see them the guys are usually shooting over 500m at the long range stuff…

  6. You know, the more I think about the shooter, the more I think he was better than people say, far better.

    Three shots rapid fire with open sights after being startled by cops and, yeah, two miss but one would have killed Trump if not for DJT turning his head.

    Then there's the 'he couldn't make his HS rifle team because he was a bad shot.' That was at least 2 years before the shooting. Anyone can improve over 2 years. And the shooter was at the rifle range on the 12th.

    Can't say to anything else, but he almost scored on Trump. Got a winged ear.

    1. Possibly Beans. We may never know. Was he shooting at Trump’s chest when he clipped DJT in the ear? This is the hell of it… we can’t trust ANY of the info we have.

      Remember the old Inspector Clouseau movies? How MI5, the CIA and the KGB all considered him a brilliant operative because he evaded their deadliest traps and assassination attempts? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if something similar were going on here. Your suspicions are certainly plausible… but with Cliw World…who knows?

  7. Life is messy. We make our best guesses, put the chips on Red-19 and spin the wheel. Sometimes we guess wrong.

    My prescription is to offer illegal migrants the same medical benefits we give 19-year service veterans in the US and the same monetary benefits we offer the very lowest stipends and in-kind help with rent to that sent to those who receive Social Security.

    If an illegal immigrant can show two years of income tax, then we can have a different discussion.

  8. Make no mistake about this; that bullet, wherever it was fired from, was on a perfect trajectory to impact the most lethal part of the brain, the brain stem, about the size of a handball. All the evidence supports that fact. Only that Trump twitched to look right, and moved his head 7 degree in less than 1 tenth of a second. Again, that is in evidence, and observed. Regardless of your chosen theology, that was a miracle captured in video.
    Do not claim it was shooter error, as it is an accurate trajectory. Too many people do not understand this. That young person is a distraction, and the person on the glass research building roof was also a distraction. Did the USSS shooter that fired get released from employment because they did not stand down?

    1. Agreed. Trump *should* be dead. As for the rest, we may never know. We can no longer trust anything the govt or the press says…

  9. "Can't trust ANYTHING (((THEY))) say!!! Roger that!
