Friday, July 19, 2024


Well the blog police struck that poast where we reviewed the credentials of JD Vance. I am under the magnifying glass again. I don’t think they liked my remarks about his wife. 

I shoulda been more mindful of the cultural EnrichMINT that JD was supporting. I am on the radar I guess and will need to start scoping out new digs. I tried Gab because I wanted a free space you shouldn’t have to pay to speak freely. But… I guess this is the new world. 

Any suggestions or knowledge of fees are appreciated in the comments. It’s time for me to upgrade.


  1. Try the nice folks at Area Ocho or Cold Fury.

    1. What he said. Get on an American site for the 1st amendment protection, Canada has no free speech now. You are vulnerable and easily made an example of.

    2. Exactly, DiveMedic created his own server because he had the same problems. He hosts other blogs as well, so maybe contact him.

  2. did they just nuke the post? did they give any warning or "strike" notice? Snowflakes.

    1. They just nuked it and told me it didn’t follow their community guidelines. Whadda bunch of clowns - they want their platform to be a vibrant and diverse gay bath house I guess…πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

  3. Sadly, I missed the post. If you can recreate it, I'll be happy to post it on my blog and take credit for the whole thing.

    Someone had to have bitched about it to the dildos at blogger management. Of course, unless they gave you some kind of notice or email or something, it's entirely possible that their system went sideways and lost the post.

    Mad Jack

    1. It’s okay Jack. I just gotta bite the bullet and pay the fees for a real service provider. That, or stop talking about political things that upset shitlibs.

  4. I was also going to suggest Area Ocho - he has set up a server to handle additional blogs. I do believe that he will vet you a bit though - not sure about that.


    1. Well that’s the thing… I don’t want to trade one gate keeper for another. And he’s correct too…ya don’t want someone you don’t agree with in your clubhouse….

  5. Glen, better be careful or Samyuktha Harshitha will work her magic.

  6. Another Canadian here , thinking/encouraging you to set up the blog at Area Ocho ... Divemedic is a great read , supports free speech , 2nd Amdmt , very pro freedom ... He will probably vet you a bit, as it should be and will happily set you up on his platform ... An inexpensive and secure blogspace that the PTB can't touch or shut down ... Signed : Love yer blog , regular reader of yours and many others/blogfriends and fellow patriot.
