Friday, July 19, 2024

Hell Hath No Fury…


There seems to be a lot of it these days. People look around at their peers in astonishment as if they’re seeing them for the first time. There’s a lot of masks slipping. Then you see these people for what and who they are, without the masks, the fake smiles, the fake friendship… and you realize you have to do something about them. Something permanent. Or they will do it to you. 


  1. As you well know, family. Family is the worst betrayal. Blood is not always impenetrability as friends. Do not even hold them close. distance and uncommunication is preferred and absolute. You will pay too heavy of a price.

    1. Yup. What blows me away is that they come up with these new words to fashion narratives. In my family they called me “toxic” because I refused to celebrate homosexuality. Hell’s bells…for thousands of years people thought exactly as I do now! The people hanging that label on me thought like I do 20 years ago… bah. Fuck ‘em. Ya can’t fix stupid…

  2. Covid stupidity showed me who the idiots in my life were and who the people that would gladly loan me onto a boxcar for a block of government cheese.

    Those people are all gone from my life and i feel better for it, lot of stress washed away.


    1. Yep. Life is too short for the lunacy going on out there these days.
