Saturday, July 27, 2024

I See The fwench Olympics Are Off To A Good Start!

… from the lunacy of the daily news cycle…πŸ˜‚

During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games
the fwench directors parodied The Last Supper scene with 
faggots and troons and a fat land whale
crowned with a halo…

I heard their major railways were also attacked and sabotaged and screwed up the travel plans of around 800,000 people.  As for me… I have absolutely ZERO interest in the Olympics. The rampant cheating and politics and the antics of clown world…? I got chores to do… 

But… if they want to nail that fat retard up on the cross and hoist him up - yeah…I’d watch that…!


  1. This picture is an example of emotional reacting, instant gratification. 99.9% of the human species who are slaves to it and the 0.1% who are the critical thinking sociopathic elite control freaks are saying: "Our plan is coming together perfectly"!

  2. You'd need to get rid of the 4x4 post and scale up to at least a 6x6 inch, if not an 8x8 inch post to support that faggot.

  3. Clown World is at war with decency and seeks to eliminate Western Civilization, formerly known as Christendom.

    What do you call it when they hold a war and only one side shows up? Genocide.

    1. Me thinks the clowns are merely evil pretending to be human. This is the last supper for the uncivil and immoral.

  4. Last time I watched the Olympics was 1976, Bruce Jenner. What a shame. We looked up to that guy and ate our Wheaties almost every day staring at his picture on the box.

  5. What are they going to use? A forklift?

  6. I truly thought that was a joke you just plucked out of your ample rump Filthie. No wonder I thought that you were joking - I haven’t watched the olympics for about 35 years. Now i know that I will never waste a moment of my time ever watching them again. I honestly don’t give a shit, eff or damn.

  7. And now the power is off... makes it hard to find the popcorn.

  8. I wonder if the woketards know they made Judas Black. That's not PC.

  9. Dear God, if you could kill each of those assholes and the queer guy who decided that would be a good way to open the Zerolympics and do each of them in a clearly Biblical "Consequences for your actions" way, that'd be Great.
