Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Conversational Fatigue: What Did The Poor Jews Ever Do To You?

“Did you get punched out by jews? Or run afoul of their criminal element? What twisted your thinking to make you so bitter and angry against them? If you keep hating them like that, you’ll let Satan into your heart! They are God’s chosen people!!!”


When Satan sets traps for people, he does it the same way you or I would. When I was a kid some of my friends ran trap lines. The technique was so simple even a dumb animal should have been able to see it. The trap itself was camouflaged. Alternate paths around the trap were blocked. Depending on the game, the traps could be baited. The easiest path forward was right into the trap… “and - look!!! There’s even a treat in it! Excellent!!! Party time!!!!”…..SNAP! Party’s over. Aaaaand so it goes with humans. Every. Single. Time. The jews are what they are… but we keep allowing them to prey on us. There’s that, I suppose.

What did the jews ever do to me? They conned me, same way they are conning you. When you’re inside the con, you don’t see the play or the trap. Even when smart people start to bleed, they don’t see it. Even when they start burying their kids. We see this in the Kraine every day where over 1.5 million Ukes are dead, maybe that many again are horribly wounded and scarred for life, millions of people have fled the country never to return… and still that war grinds on. Volodymyr Zelenskyy (a jew) and his cabal are making vast fortunes. The international globalist corporations are making a killing. Gee…who owns the lion’s share of those? Why isn’t any of this in the media? Who owns over 90% of the mass media in America? This is how my fact checking went. One nest of vipers led to another, and that led to an open can of worms, which led in turn to another den of vipers. The scope of this thing looks exactly like the growth of a company that grows and grows until it has offices and stores around the world. 

“Oh Filthie, you dumb ass! You sound like those 85 IQ black people that constantly whine about how Whitey magically gulls the blacks and manipulates them through evil schemes and diabolical conspiracies! I suppose you are going to sit there and tell me that I am being magically controlled by demonic jews? In what way are you any different from those retarded blacks?”

No, you aren’t being controlled by demons, evil spirits, or suffering from bad juju. You’re simply being conned the same as I was. Don’t feel bad though…the guys doing it to you are very, very VERY good at it. So good, one can almost suspect Satan is involved.

You might be forgiven for mistaking these brave Ukranian freedom fighters for Nazis and antisemites. But in point of fact - they are heroes. Their commander in chief is actually a jew - Volodymyr Zelenskyy! These men are members of the brave Azov Battalion.  They are funded directly by jewish oligarchs and indirectly by jewish lobbyists pressuring Washington to fund ever more armaments to them. No, my friends… your lying eyes deceive you! But not your jewish friends and allies! Slava Ukraine!!!

The mind wobbles. Listening to our best friends and allies the real threats to Our Democracy are the bums you guys see in the mirror when you shave in the morn. Look!!! There’s another one at the bottom right on this page!!! He’s a white supremist!!! Get him!!!


And still people wave yellow and blue flags, rage against those eeeeevil Russians, and stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel. They’re so noble, so virtuous. And if you don’t think so…then there’s obviously something wrong with you.



    This gal deep dives the entire Khazarian/Ashkenazi history going back to the 1800's, although you can go further all the way to the beginning of the atlantic slave trade in the late 1400's if you wanted to.
    The greatest deception has been the need for the US to be the world's policeman. It has embroiled us in Jewish wars and conflicts for centuries.

  2. The same (((people))) still wailing about the holohoax are the ones who remain completely silent about the Holodomor. And they get really nasty when you bring up who committed the murders of 9 million Ukrainian Christians.

  3. No "death camps" were ever found by the Western Allies. Did they find work camps? Certainly they did. They found concentration camps (invented by the British to use against the Boers) full of living people, with many starving and suffering from lice and typhus. (Lice were an endemic problem back then, and were killed quite safely with a product called Zyklon-B, made and sold in the USA.) Why were they starving? Because the Allies were winning the war, advancing on all fronts, and destroying every train and truck in Germany.

    The only reports of "death camps" came after the war, from the (((Soviets))).

    By the way - 3 million German civilians died of typhus and starvation in 1945 alone.

  4. Zelensky pulls the old Stalingrad von Paulus gambit of "We're just one battle away from victory" on Washington DC every other month and the Uniparty dutifully spits out another "aid package" to the little dwarf that dresses like a mini-Castro.
    - WDS

  5. I often times ignore the Juden comments, as they are Gods chosen people. Why then must they shit in the well every fucking time? It is sad, God gave them a few simple rules and they will be blessed if they can just stay between the lines. WTF?

  6. Great truth telling!
    Pretty being here is jacking up my bad social credit score, so be it, (((They))) already know, I'm in the resistance (small r). I'm betting my being in Hick Sticks, Tennessee gives me some protections.
    Thanks for being a (North) American patriot.

  7. Jews aren't Christian, Moslems aren't Christian, neither are Buddhists, or the animist that ate Joe's uncle. If you think that they think like you, then you haven't been out in the world enough.
