Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Conversational Fatigue: Dante’s Outhouse


A couple days back this came up on the Stubfart radar. 

I wasn’t gonna comment on it. The Usual Suspects were shocked, horrified, and enraged by the desecration. Of course, any two bit dissident would’ve seen this coming years ago. Newsflash - it’s going to happen again. And probably get worse. It can do nothing else given that America’s foreign policy, media, and finances are run by jews. (And no, I am not going to provide you links or try to convince you I’m right about that - as I will explain further on down).

All that started a conversation on the email. Joe asked me how I could be an antisemite because even a dumbass like me was too smart to fall for that malarkey. I basically just shrugged and said that I didn’t like it either. He asked me if maybe I was paying too much attention to hot heads and retards and taking them too seriously. I will admit there are any number of flat out genocidal murderous rage heads that are consumed with The jewish Question. They literally want to make them into soap and lamp shades. I don’t, personally… but I understood the source of their rage once I knew more about them.

In point of fact I was a staunch advocate of the jews only a few years ago. Like all the grillers, chillers, boomers and normie-cons, I thought they were our friends and allies. And - like Joe…I kept coming across intelligent, thoughtful people that seemingly had a bizarre hate-on for jews. I wanted to understand what made them tick. Most demurred and became evasive. The lunatics frothed and raged. But one…an exceptionally intelligent and thoughtful woman - from NYFC of all the places - told me to fact check those lunatics. Other than that, I was on my own.

Fact checking rabid antisemites is like steaming out one a those horrible portapotties that has been festering and fermenting in the hot summer sun for a week. You put on hip waders, goggles, rubber gloves and grab a snorkel…and in you go. There are no short cuts. You work patiently, methodically and thoroughly. You want to get it clean…because…if ya half ass the job, you’ll only have to go back and do it right again. Might as well do it right the first time. Revulsion and haste will only slow you down. This is no place for normies, the timid or the squeamish. That is what doing a deep fact checking dive on antisemites is like.

But my superpower is the ability to banish emotion and be objective, and able to change my mind if the facts warrant it. There was a time, back when we were great - that every scientist could do this and was expected to. Today most of them can only do voodoo, narratives and the warm fuzzies. Normies and grillers are the same. They can use a portapotty but they don’t have the fortitude to clean one. For me - I refuse to be frightened by shit or truth. But I digress.

Suffice it to say that I descended to the lowest levels of Dante’s Outhouse. My rubber boots squelched through unspeakable mire. The darkness killed the beam of my headlamp; lunacy and hysteria hooted and cackled from the darkness and shadows. I tracked and fact checked a series of antisemites that popped up in my battle space. I found a lot of shite…but here and there, flecks of truth and fact were glinting in the muck. None of it was convincing in and of itself, all of it could be explained or at least questioned on the grounds of coincidence, chance, and happenstance. Without a word of a lie, over an off-and-on period of around 40 hours… I assembled and collated the material I found into categories of hard fact, plausible, and hogwash. There was a LOT of hogwash. But… the happenstance, coincidence and chance had established a rudimentary but clear pattern. There comes a point where things stop being coincidence and start becoming a deliberate agenda.With some dismay I realized I was only half done. I was done with the antisemites.  It was time to look at the Semites and go through them the same way: proof, fact, and truth only, no half assed efforts allowed. I was strongly tempted at that point to just call it good and walk away…but that is not how one does science or fact checking. You have to look at everything. It has to be evaluated, corroborated, and filed: fact/truths, plausible and hogwash.

It wasn’t as bad as I had thunk. The Semite portapotty is kept sparkling clean. The TP is luxurious 3 ply, and the Establishment supplies hand sanitizer. The minty pucks in the urinal a fresh and fragrant. I can see why the normies and griller boomers love it. Instead of shit and darkness, fake and gay virtue swirled about. Nobody acknowledged the existence of pooh or how it was made. Nobody laughed at the farts. Everything was juuuuust fine. And again…patterns formed. I didn’t have to look hard; the truths were where they should be, and the brown stuff was conspicuously absent. This pattern of fact and truth interlocked precisely with the one from the anti-Semites. I had the beginnings of a foundation for a hypothesis that many people now accept as cold, hard fact. 

It was a LOT of work. But this is why I’m reluctant to talk about jews. People want to to spell out your views, dot the I’s, cross the T’s, and PROVE your facts - in a paragraph. They don’t want to do any homework, or get their hands dirty by challenging their own preconceived, white washed assumptions. Not slagging them…I get lazy and tired too sometimes and then end up doing the face/palm thing when a truth bomb detonates in my face. For now… I see jews as foreign and domestic enemies, the same way I view militant moslems. I oppose their agenda, their perfidy and malice. I am an antisemite and I will not fight for them or take part in their wars. I certainly won’t allow them to dictate what I say or think either. 

I have more to say about this; but for many … I’ve said too much already. Let me know in the comments if you want me to continue or STFU. I am good either way.

Have a great Tuesday.



  1. You're not an anti-semite. Most jews have no semite DNA at all. Another of their great illusions.

  2. Please continue, with facts, please. Any details on the Roman colonization and renaming Palestine. Bring back Vlad

  3. To know your true masters, find out whom you may not criticize or mock.

    "We don't secretly run this place. And if you say we do, we'll make sure you never work in this town again!"

  4. Jews reject Jesus. They are anti Christian.

    Jesus is antisemitic by the Semite's definition of the term, and if you aren't antisemitic too, you aren't following Him.

  5. I too have had an epiphany about the jew. I was much younger when it hit me up the head with a wet salmon. I don't mind at all with you expounding your views on their fervidity. It is not my passion or nor I will be sucked into their lies and treachery. They may have been God 's chosen people at one time in the way distant and almost unrecognizable past, they have strode far away from that path that was laid down for them.

    So, go on with your bad self. I am constrained to parse and echo those that have chosen to trumpet the Truth and Light.

  6. Mr. Glen Filthie- you, again, knocked it out of the park. Did your little wife obtain a water cooling attachment for your cranium? Please continue. I wish we were neighbors. You probably wouldn't like this blowing dirt and tumbleweed infested environment.

  7. As far as I'm concerned Jews are white people too. That makes them allies in the war against Big Brown.

  8. Jews regularly throw other Jews under the bus, this takes an toll on their collective which ultimately ends up as perpetual victimhood. Its behavior that needs to be called out because it is like your shadow on an sunny day... inescapable!

    Chutes Magoo

  9. FUSA's Brandon Cabinet is entirely jewish. Look what they've done in 3.5 years. Both the jews and the islams want white christians erased from the world, mass immigration and forever wars have More than decimated our numbers. Decimate= Cull %10 we have been culled far more than that already/ our "Representatives" get RICH selling us out to The Destroyers.

  10. ***Full Disclosure***
    I am the "Joe" who sent Mr Filthie the email. Actually, several emails.

    An elegant and heartfelt piece of writing, Mr Filthie. I never explicitly called you a "dumbass" but you are allowed artistic license. I get that.

    Your journey. Your blog. Your message to the world. I respect that. In your defense, you are not dropping cryptic, three sentence turds on other people's blogs. You are clearly stating what you believe and you are owing it.

    The good news is that God can used very flawed people to do His work. Peter, for instance, was far from perfect.

    I am also deeply flawed. It is all above my pay-grade.


    1. As far as I’m concerned, we’re just having a friendly chat. I used to think exactly as you do now. I’d watch antisemites and laugh and think they were nuts. I asked the same questions you asked me. The rabid antisemites called me names and went nuts. The smart ones went silent and just shook their heads. All I’m trying to do is answer you without offending you. The fact that you can even listen speaks well of you. None of this is above your pay grade. Fact check me. Treat me like an intelligent man and set me straight. I am listening.

  11. Sadly i'm a little behind you on the path you took, i'm to the point the coincidences have a pattern of enemy action. It have no issue with what you said or you continuing. Its also your place and your choice.


    1. Keep going, E. Fact check the antisemites. Fact check the jews. Look at the world’s problems and note the early life history of the architects, the orchestrators and the people profiting. When that pattern forms…you can’t un-see it. And…the world starts making sense and becomes more predictable too.

  12. "my superpower is the ability to banish emotion and be objective, and able to change my mind if the facts warrant it"


    The Truth. It's all I'm interested in. It's bad enough that I can only approach it, and never achieve it; so much the worse that I'm stupid, and mode more so by emotion.

    I'll take the truth. Wherever it leads. This hard work is all a brain is good for.

  13. You're sticking the funny, light, Glen in a short time out. Getting the truth out is "God's work". Lifting the veil of illusion and lies is a daunting, thankless endeavor. Thank you for getting it out there.
    I visit ERJ's site too, good man (naive), good writer.
