Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Filthie Gourmet: Another Conspiracy Ends

I KNEW it.

I fuggin KNEW it!!!! 😑

Isn’t that just the way it ends for heroic men like us? Betrayed by those we love most? “Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive…” I’m sad to say it…but my marriage is over; there’s nought for me to do but suck it up and get over it. The proof of the lie I’ve lived with for decades is inescapable. It’s truly OVER.


There’s NO beans, NO corn, noodles or other (hork, spit!) ‘fillers’ in chili!
My wife claimed otherwise all these years.
I cannot forgive perfidy like this.

4 pounds of MEAT!!! 3 kinds a MEAT!
I could have been eating proper chili all these years…
The problem is…I don’t think I can get some of the ingredients up here
in Alberta…

Have you been lied to like I was? If so… the road to redemption starts today. I will have to mull my options here. Perhaps I can cobble together an acceptable Albertan variant of Texas chili?

Stay tooned….


  1. Proper chili has kidney beans or pinto beans in it. If you don't add beans, all you have is meat soup. Corn bread and beans, chili go to together, not corn bread and meat soup. That is the final word.

    1. "Meat soup??!?" Them's fightin' words!

    2. We’ll gang up on him JT. I will hold his arms behind fin will you beat him up from the front! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

  2. Ok, for the narrow-minded brethren, beans fit in chili. Texas chili. The reason why is most agri-based inhabitants were poor back in the day. I mean eat the putty out of the windowpanes poor. People put beans and all kind if fillers in chili for obvious reasons. Don't be a hater on poor Texans and Mexitexans.

  3. A large part of old, authentic recipes was how to feed a family of 10 with enough food for only 4 people. I've had chili with beans (kidney, pinto, red, etc.), with rice, with cornbread, with white bread, with you name it. Everyone claims theirs is "true", but really, 90% of the seasoning comes out of a package. The rest is just whatever you have in the pantry. Eat what you like, and rest assured some asshat will get upset that it ain't real chili.

  4. Filthie - you should also look up the Texas Red chili that this same youtuber put up a few years ago - I have made it several times and it is awesome chili.

    1. Yes!!! I will need to compromise on ingredients but I should be able to approximate a reasonable facsimile. I really should saddle up the big motorcycle and go down to Texas to buy ingredients and eat at the local TexMex dives.

  5. Unfortunately, you're in Kanukistan, so, you're foooked. IF you lived in Tennessee (or any other southern state) you could have chili (or guns) any way you want 'em.
    I went, with the wife, to Nashville's "international" section and there is EVERY kind of ETHNIC food supply for your home/party/restaurant, warehouse/store! We're kinda stuck on Mexican and Asian. AAAAAdmonton may have some poor edition of ethnic supplies, maybe.
    Happily, my red headed, English, Hungarian, big assed wife is a soooper cook. Well, it's not THAT big, it's nice big.
    OOOKAY, time to go.

    1. We do okay for ethnic stuff like pakie or chink. They have their own stores so if ya want that stuff…it’s doable. TexMex is out of the question. Some of the bars used to dabble in it but I haven’t been to a bar in years…. We have a couple good Italian grocery stores… there’s even the odd small african and halal shops… but I’d stay away from them.

  6. I’ve taken first and second place in a church chili cook off.
    My recipe will remain a secret. There are 3 different types of meat and two kinds of beans. It’s the peppers. You’ll have a case of burning hole for 3 days and probably burn the Thunderbox down while you’re using it.

  7. For being way the hell up in the Frozen Freakin North, we’ve a fairly decent supply system. Perhaps having a military base on either side of town helps and the commissaries on base offer things not found in the town’s 2 or 3 versions of grocer. I’ve got access to those commissaries; it’s about the only GI retirement bennie left… Shoot me an email with a list of things you can’t find in Canaderp. I’ll see what we have here & send ‘em.

  8. Look here y'all. Frank Tolbert & H. Allen Smith (that damned yankee stew maker) settled this one years ago. Things with beans, tomatoes, slaw, rice, or other yankee filler is called "stew", not Texas chili. Serve that other stuff on the side, or not at all. A Texas bowl of red ain't got no beans. Everyone knows this.

  9. Amazon has a good selection of chili powders. Gebhardt's and McCormack are both good.
