Sunday, June 9, 2024

Monday Morn Music: 99 Blonde Balloons


When I was a kid every second shitlib bubblegummer retard and her soy soaked boyfriends lived in FEAR of nuclear war. They were convinced my buddy - Ronald Reagan - was going to accidentally push the button in a state of senile confusion - and nuclear Armageddon would be our lot! “Ban the cruise missile!!! Grecian Formula Man Bad!!!”

“A-HYUK, A-HYUK, A-HYUK, A-HYUK!!! Stupid Reagan’s gonna burn down the world if some tot’s ballon gets away from him!!! The silly old bugger will launch the nukes!!!” Remember that?

Aaaaaaaand today Biden publicly shits himself during speeches, he forgets where he is, and when he’s not sleeping or shitting his pants…he’s goading the ever lovin’ chit outta the Russians! 😖

Y’know what? It’s not worth thinking about. Somebody just wake me up when it’s time to shoot people and stretch necks…


  1. Reagan was elected as I was just going into high school. I got to vote for him in 84 as a 18 year old senior. We used to play a little game in class, just the boys of course. The game? Russia just launched the missiles, you got 30 minutes before the first explosion, no chance to run, no reason to hide. Who do you do first. Well, everyone pretty much picked either Suzie or Lisa as the two prettiest girls in class, but I figured the line would be too long for my turn to come around in the 30 minutes so I picked Rosanne. In any event, we all had our list and anticipated the world's quickest and fiercest orgy right before nuclear armageddon. Boys being boys and all that.

  2. Our apologies to the world for allowing Biden to be our President. I understand why the Left hates Trump so much, but is this the Best the Left Has ? Biden is Top Dog - Head Poobah ? It was no wonder Kamala Harris was installed as Vice President - NOBODY wants her in charge either ! Could you imagine the word salad State of the Union addresses given by her ?

    1. Kameltoe was put into place to keep Biden from being assassinated. Biden was put into place to keep OBAMA from being assassinated. 'See how that works? Hide behind a MORON, and you'll live to run for higher office down the line...

  3. I WOULD wake you up, but it's that awkward time. Too late to vote our way out and too early to shoot our way out, because of the commie/kangaroo courts still in operation.
    It's not too late for getting my paunch down sized. Your paunch may vary.

    1. SAAAYYY!!! Don't be bagging on my post SHTF emergency portable calorie storage unit!!!

    2. I'm very capable of safe guarding my portable calorie storage unit! I say! The implications are glaringly obvious! This is OUTRAGEOUS. HAAARRUUMFFF!!
      Just between you n me, stay away from the vaxxxd, you'll get mad cow/person disease.

  4. I'm actually living in a banana republic somewhere in the Midwest. Our President has dementia, which prevents me from making any detraction about him or his actions. He's disabled; he can't help what he is. Personally, I think his handlers may be feeding him a line or two of cocaine before he wanders up to the podium.

    The VP doesn't have dementia; she's just that way.

    Then we have The Squad, who have the collective IQ of a wastebasket coupled with the social graces of an elite cadre of upper-middle-class high school cheerleaders and members of the student government - none of whom respect anything save their own reflection, and all of whom deserve to spend their days working on a Montana ranch until they understand how life really works.

    What I wonder is just what is going to happen locally the night of the next presidential election.

  5. You'll know what to do when the welfare state runs out of money.

  6. 'Kinda reminds me of the CHINESE BALLOON Biden allowed to cross the ENTIRETY of US AIRSPACE! (insert Irish brogue here) "Nothing to see here, folks. Move it along..."

  7. And THIS is the hallmark of a great blog, fellas! The comments are even better than the original poast!!!
