Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Repudiation: The Crazy Women Of Clown World

Clown world is hard on us guys that can walk and talk and chew bubblegum… but it has been absolute hell on the womenfolk. Some of ‘em can get away with it when they’re younger maybe… but then they get older, hit the wall…and those smoking hot bad girl-clowns start looking like fat old crazy slags. Some start to resemble witches.

The Niglet and I went to see Mom this earlier in the week. Spending time with mom is always a mistake but she likes the pup, the pup loves her… and at some point I gotta show my face in the family. She was bragging about the new fence she had put up. It’s beautiful and I looked over the billing to make sure things are square. The neighbours are all half in on the cost, so it’s all good. I have minor reservations - there was nothing wrong with the old fence. I wonder if some contractor/salesman talked her into it? She’s at that age…predatory scammers are around and they target old folks. She said one guy came round who was supposedly an exterminator. Alberta is full of deadly bugs and spiders and supposedly this guy would spray around the yard and kill them all for you - for a reasonable fee, of course. The old bitch didn’t fall for it and sent him packing…but for the wrong reasons. She should have given him the boot because he was a scammer…but the reason she gave him the punt was because she thought he’d kill all the bugs and the poor birds wouldn’t have anything to eat. (Mom lives in an affluent white retirement neighborhood; the birds there eat better than you and I do. There’s gotta be thousands of feeders and bird houses within a stone’s toss…).

I think her mind is going and she needs to be in a home but she gets hissy when I bring it up. There’s no point in arguing with her, and there’s no point in worrying about it, there’s not a damned thing I can do about it. She’ll go when she’s ready and not a second before.

That’s what these crazy, contentious bitches do - “I’ll do what I want, you’re not my boss!!!!” But - if they hurt themselves, they sob and wail and it’s all YOUR fault somehow. And the very bugger of it is that you’ll feel responsible even though you’re not! 


The reason I go to church is that there is nothing I can to about the female retards in the family except pray! Y’know…there’s nothing wrong with the women in my family that couldn’t be fixed with a hearty slap to the gob!

All I can do is thank God for my wife - she’s sane…and keeps me out of the Edmonton Remand Centre where I’d probably end up if I had to cope with those skanks on my own, HAR HAR HAR!


I hope you guys all have a great Sunday. Hold your family close today…and if that’s not possible…do the best ya can and call it good.




  1. I'm coming off of a nice, peaceful vacation and heading back to a job I'm sick of tomorrow. Hotter than balls this time of year, and hoodrats blasting their bass-heavy hip-hop round the clock. Thank God for kava-kava.

    1. Ughhh. I remember that…I’d literally have yo wade into 120 emails, have of which dealt with problems that had been resolved while I was gone, and were now wasting my time when I could have been spending my time putting out real fires. Going on vacation was great…but coming back was an exercise in rage management…

  2. Don't allow others to control your emotions.

    1. Took me 60 years to manage that, A… I am a horribly slow learner in some respects…๐Ÿ˜ž

  3. Shit like this makes me glad to live out in the middle of a desert.

    1. I want to be a hermit too. I could do a small town maybe… in the back country maybe…

  4. Spent years trying to convince my mum she should plan for when she gets old only to be told I'm an idiot. Eventually the camels back broke.
    Now she's finally realized she's getting old and need some of the things I'd been talking about in place. But I don't care any more. Let my brothers help her. I'm done.

    1. My mom always was always a bit of a cankle blossom…but now she’s slowly losing her facilities. Nothing is ever simple with her…
