Sunday, June 2, 2024

Our Greatest Allies



  1. Fuck off kike! You had your messiah, and fucked it up as you fuck up everything you touch! When Iran gets the bomb, you can all bend over and kiss your asses goodbye, try building your temple in a radioactive wasteland

  2. For that shylock's sake, the jewish messiah better be wearing a radiation suit or at least some good sunblock when he shows up because the moslems in Iran will probably shove a MOAB up Israel's ass before Europe falls.

  3. Well Y’know… when the usual pissers n’ moaners piously wave their hands and wail and sob about rising antisemitism and wonder where it’s coming from… I wonder if it has anything to do with shite like this…? These guys are all over Alt Media and they aren’t shy about saying it: they think we’re animals.

  4. If Mr. Shalom has that much amimus for Christians I wonder what he thinks of his semitic Arab brothers.

  5. UN Secretary General and Israel admit there is ZERO evidence of rape on Oct 7.
    Zionists are pathological insane liars. Same as the lie that some 8-month pregnant Jewish woman had her baby cut out from her and was raped. All lies. You can't spell Israel without, "Lies" or "Liars."

    Their Talmud states they can lie but their lies aren't lies.  When someone is taught to lie but their lies aren't lies, what do you expect? It's called Psychopathy.
    What? You expected something different from The Synagogue of Satan? Why?
    Israel needs to repent. Big time. Their nation is Biblically doomed. 
    Isaiah 3:8   
For Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen,
Because their speech and their actions are against the Lord,
To rebel against His glorious presence.

    1. FYI Glen, I did not post this comment^. I don't leave comments that link to my site on the blogs of others (aka blog whoring).

    2. No prob, DD… I don’t look at it as ‘whoring’ - so much as promoting. Links to good commentary are always appreciated.

      I used to think I was an anti-zionist… but I think some self righteous liberal govt slob decided that anti Zionism and antisemitism are one and the same - and Y’know…maybe he accidentally got one right? Shitty people do shitty things, and separating people from their actions is a bad way to judge people…
