Thursday, June 13, 2024

Escape From New York Focken City…

That chick was on the original show, right?

Well they remake all the movies these days, right? Star Treck and Star Wars have been faggotified and pussified beyond all redemption. Mad Max was even more retarded than the original… last I saw all the Terminators were 115 lb. supermodels that I could beer belly bop into the middle of next week…I can’t remember if Dr. Who is a girl boss or a black baboon now…

I think it’s time for a re-write/remake of Escape From New York …but the entire production should be turned over to FOWG’s (Fat Old White Guys), maybe? The original production was far too optimistic about NYFC’s future as a dystopian open air prison. The place would be a much better backdrop for the Planet Of The Apes! HAR HAR HAR! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

Well I suppose that’s the hell of it, right? If Biden wandered off and got lost in NYFC nobody would care enough to do anything about it! Then all you’d have is a story line that has the FOWGs sitting around making rude jokes about seniors that only other senior delinquents would laugh at.

Gawd… I’d like to see at least one good movie before I die…😞


  1. Adrienne Barbeau who is now 79 years old

    1. I believe she was topless in Swamp Creature, although I never saw that movie. For me, she will always be remembered from her role in Cannonball Run. Honey, I got a tool that'll fix anything.

  2. Try Guy Richie's latest: The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.

  3. Never thought she was that hot in my younger days, but damn, since she put on some years she has become definite boner material. Daryl Hannah, same thing.
