Thursday, June 27, 2024

Brevity Is The Antithesis Of Bullshyte

The nooz is terrible, just TERRIBLE!!! In the City A Tranna - the literal heartland of urban Canadian liberal faggotry and fuckery - Turdo La Doo lost one of the safest ridings the liberals have. I guess they’ve owned it for 30 years, with its MLA a loyal regime fart catcher.

Not  that I care - this country’s effed more than it’s ever been before and things have to fall apart sooner or later…. But… whenever I’m on OyTube there would ordinarily be a bunch of brief media vids, 2~5 minutes long - to deal with the story. “Turdo sucks, even his own people hate him now…”

But the chicken headed media mavens are literally astounded by it! You can tell - the shorter vids are about 15 minutes - an eternity for your average chitlib with a 5 minute attention span. The smarter ones are watching vids on the subject 45 minutes long. The upper echelons of Globohomo Canada Inc must be in chaos! 


All the gas and billowing flatulence portends good things…


  1. I was on a business trip in Ottawa in 1994 during the US Elections where the Democrats got shellacked. It was great fun watching the TV talking heads and speculating which of them would start to cry the first.

    1. Did you watch the debate last nite BP?

  2. WHAT!? What the hell's going on? No, I can't gugle it. I need it filtered through the great Filthie the Filterer!

    1. Well there’s ya problem! You should be on Brave, Mike…

    2. I use Startpage, I'm lazy and averse to cringe news. You can save a lot of time and cringe if you filter it through ya'll wise sages out there in Webland.
