Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Filthie Fed-Poaster


I’ve got JL and his Mounties watching me. 
I don’t think they’re particularly worried.

Enjoy yourselves, Red Coats!

Me and mine are watching YOU!

Tremble in fear, ye tyrants and black hearts! 


I suppose Aesop is right in that one hot head with a rifle could set off a cataclysmic civil war or political collapse. It happened in WW1 that way with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. But… I wonder if it’s not like a fire? Fires need oxygen, fuel and air. Eliminate any one of those and a fire isn’t possible.

For a prolonged civil war, you need a cause to motivate the combatants. You need the forces capable of controlled combat, and you need the structures to effectively control and deploy them. Finally you need competent officers and commanders to use them effectively. 

I’m not seeing that on either side. The political left is infested with grifters, perverts, and morons like Turdo La Doo and Creepy Joe. They lie awake at night having to worry that their own people won’t knife them in the back. Their militaries and police forces are resentful and other than their fart catchers…not really amenable to firing on their own citizens. If they DO get forced into it, I strongly suspect the officers will get fragged on a regular basis. I can’t speak for Canadian law enforceMINT…but I don’t think JL and his cohorts in the force particularly want to attack the citizens they’re sworn to protect… and would quit if they were called on to force Canadians to live in pods, eat bugs, and live in pods. For my part - even as a bitter, twisted, and disgruntled stubfart… I don’t particularly want to shoot cops, or squaddies. I don’t know anyone that does. 

In the real world… even the lefties are getting fed up with the lunatics on their side of the political spectrum, and are seeing huge problems with the current crop of leaders we have. Most of them don’t want a civil war either. 

I won’t be surprised if the turds don’t all get voated out in the next election. Under the current circumstances, even for the perverts and grifters that infest our leadership… common sense makes much more sense than civil war… all taunts, insults, and sabre rattling aside. 

But… whadda I know? We will see in time I suppose…


  1. The Left adores violence. The cops will do anything for a paycheck, especially after they allow illegal alien invaders onto the force in major cities (like LA and Chicongo have already done).

    With the enormous amount of demographic displacement already inflicted upon us, violence is sure to be our future. If we want to have a future, that is.

  2. I second McChuck. Plus, the NWO types have been importing military age men from second and third world countries for decades, there are many tens of thousands of them. THEY will be providing your squadie to battalion level civilian suppression, probably with no shortage of USA INC. traitors in the ranks. Studfarts like us would be doing well to get off a shot in defense.
    SHAKE OFF the negativity! Of course it all depends on how situations shake out. I'm pretty sure Murphy likes us more than them. I recall there's something like 15 million US hunters. If 1% decide to go hot, 150,000 is a lot of opposing forces. Plus there's no shortage of non hunter shooters and gun enthusiasts with a significant number of combat vets from the WOGT.

  3. More likely to see George Floyd II (number one on steroids) in the blue hives than CW2. Best way to bet though is collapse of USD and as a consequence ALL the USG programs dependent on it. When the jackboots don't have a paycheck, well, no tickey no takey.
    Steve S6

  4. One thing the Turd doesn't do is walk amongst the people freely like he used to! His guardians all have to live somewhere and are prolly understanding of Cartel tactics, at some point is it worth the paycheck to them when their families find the war at the doorstep?

    Chutes Magoo

  5. I live in California... Every time I think things can't go any further to the left, they do... I don't see us voting our way out of this. Fighting, maybe, as most of the gun-grabber types will be looking for legs to hide behind if things go hot, and Leftie guns will be outnumbered 1000/1.

    As for the military turning on its own citizens, there might be a few that get froggy, but I suspect the lion's share of the troops, if told to fire on the folks they've sworn to protect, will be more likely to turn on the butt plunger who gave the order.

    Oxygen, fuel, and a SOURCE OF HEAT... It's actually a four-sided thing now; oxygen, fuel, a heat source, and "free radicals." "They had to add the "free radicals" because firefighting agents like Halon and FM200 don't remove the oxygen, fuel, or the heat, and needed a way to explain it away...

    1. Oh chit - that’s right Pete! The ol’ fire triangle was fuel, air and a SPARK…

      And I think you are right about the rest too; the fact is that things just keep “going lefter” because guys like you and me tolerate it. We’ve never rioted, burned or looted like they do all the time. We tend to play fair and insist others do to. When they don’t…we tend to shrug and leave. We’ve never even fired a shot.
      At some point common sense has to be brought back. I think that a lot of leftist lunacy would go away by busting a few skulls, stretching a few necks, and sending a few perps to jail.

      We’ve been brought up to believe that “purging” is the stuff of gangster govts… yet… at some point, that swamp is going to have to be drained. The country can’t run like this…

  6. Too busy working with what little resources I have to arrest child molesters, drug dealers, and other assorted violent assholes to worry about people who are equally (and justifiably) pissed off at the fucking idiots (re: lawyers and politicians) who made things even more dangerous for everyone, mostly by being either a.) ridiculously goddamn incompetent; or b.) being criminals themselves who are able to hide behind our irredeemably corrupt judiciary.

    1. That tends to be what I see, JL. The Usual Suspects would love to create a police state where the constabulary are mere obedient attack dawgs that will never question their masters. Unfortunately for them there’s still a LOT of good,msolid men that take their profession seriously… and I think a lot of them are coming up on their line in the sand too…

    2. The ONLY reason I picked up my shield and went back out there is because there are still monsters out there hurting people and nobody else is doing anything about it. Every once in awhile, perhaps in spite of the system, I get to slay one of the dragons out there. That's what makes the effort worth it and why I keep showing up.

      Many folks out there don't understand that. That's fine. It is not for them to understand.

    3. Mr. JL- I miss your website and happy hunting to you.

  7. Can't vote our way out if election laws are ignored, there is no chain of custody of ballots and no authentication that the voter can vote and only votes once, and some way to make sure things are counted correctly ( i.e by hand or by open code on non-network connected machines) - So , yeah, plan accordingly. They have imported who knows how many thugs who will kill Americans for "citizenship", and the alphabet crap is ensuring that the current military is being purged of patriots. They may be able to come up with an army of sorts - but not one willing to die for the cause. I suspect they will be just picking targets to make an example of hoping everyone falls in line. At some point the target shoots back when he see the whites of the eyes of the enemy in his driveway -- which gets super hard for the powers that be to "spin", and they don't want it to be a trend.. so it will get covered up ( and really how many times could this have already happened and we simply don't hear of it? ) The enemy is committing suicide ( killing the economy, aborting their babies, sterilizing their children, importing 3rd world thugs they can't really control) so just staying out of the way and off the radar is the best tactic right now. When the money runs out, so will most of their ability to pay off their thugs and do enforcemint. But when things go south they will go south in urban areas for 80%+ of these collectivists live. We just got to let that happen. Things may go hot if the right story gets out - but its more likely to simmer and die as the leftist lunacy burns itself out. Won't be fun, cause economic collapse will affect everyone - but no need to engage with morons who largely won't survive that, unless you have a local kinetic situation that needs dealing with . .

    1. Agreed. You can’t run a country like this. If you can’t lead from the soap box or the ballot box…that just leaves the cartridge box…and if you’re dirty and still around when the patriots pull their guns…you’ll wish you had left while the getting was good.
