Monday, May 27, 2024

Red Alert!!! Admiral Filthie To The Washroom!!! On The Double!!!

Morons off the starboard!!!

Well thanks for the heads up, fellas. Yes, I know… General Aesop is trying to troll me. He’s been at it for a couple days now. The Kraine is winning the war against Russia; if the chinks make a move on Taiwan - Uncle Sam will swat them like bugs without breaking a sweat. A cotton mask will stop viruses; toy hobby drones are wreaking havoc on the battlefield. Everyone is stupid except him, everyone panic, cause we’re all gonna die!!!! The sky is falling!!!


Pbbbbbbbbffbfbfbbfbfffbbbffftttt! Whatever. If some internet retard wants to believe moronic nonsense I suppose there is no harm in it. As far as the Great Crapcopter Debate goes… for me it has been an interesting - nay, a fascinating psyop. I can see easily excited morons like Aesop and Peter G falling for it - but it is disappointing to see guys like BC and Bracken getting sucked in by it. 

For the record and the retards at the back of the class, that is a heavy lift industrial hex drone. 
It may lift the thermite grenade, but it will be dodgey as hell
to fly just judging by the weight and aerodynamics. If you are stupid enough to let line of sight improvised weapons like this
get close enough to be a threat… you have way bigger problems than enemy retards with nigger-rigged toy drones.

I suppose I shouldn’t knock Bracken and Tiny for falling for crap like this. The last time I was tempted to orate, pontificate and bloviate on this topic, Tiny had poasted a vid where the Russkies supposedly took out a Uke tank with a small drone - probably about a 7 or 8 inch quad rotor. BC was convinced it was legit; but I knew it was bullshit. The Russian operator had a drone with cheap, low cost, low performance, low wattage dipole antennas. The transmitter looked like it utilized a washing line rope for an antenna. The target was supposedly 7 km away. The video feed was so bad that you couldn’t tell whether the target was a tank or an APC… never mind if it was friend or foe. Can’t remember if I sounded off or not, some of the boys were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was real too. But… I’ve heard of this before…real war fighters get jumpy; they have to be to survive. Once you get inside their skulls with crap narratives like this, nothing short of TNT will blow it out! Next thing ya know, their morale goes out the window and the guys are jumping at (and shooting at) shadows and sometimes even each other, and telling each other ghost stories. And chicken heads like Peter and Aesop are clucking the loudest and egging it all on. 

If it’s possible, the more level headed squaddies and intellects around here need to stop, take a deep breath and actually think. (That lets you out Aesop, HAR HAR HAR!!!)

Yes. We have seen some of the smaller surveillance drones nigger-rigged to drop small (less than 200g payload) submunitions on the squaddies below. One or two may have been killed. The vast majority of the vids I saw showed the guys sustaining very light wounds - even when the bombs literally blew up right beside them. I even saw one legendary, hard assed Russian Chad contemptuously catch the bomblet and throw it away. These things are little more than flash-bangs. These are not demonic terror weapons that are revolutionizing the battle space. With all due respect to Tiny and Matt Bracken, (and all due disrespect to the usual chicken heads) - the battlefield squaddie has much bigger threats to worry about. Think about it: if neutralizing your adversary’s military assets were as easy as putting a few toys in the air, both sides would have annihilated each other’s armour, planes, command posts, airfields, logistics, supply lines, etc etc. and the war would be a stalemate. Last I saw, the Russkies effortlessly broke through the Uke defences at Avdiivka and the Ukes were high tailing it back across the Dnepier … But again - if you want to bark and gobble in fright…have at it.

I think a lot of this foolishness is driven by the fact that the mainstream media - and fags like Aesop and Peter G - can’t distinguish between a multi-rotor surveillance drone, and advanced autonomous stand off weapons like these:

Defending against these things will not be difficult; they’re slow 
and have even been shot down with small arms fire.
You can bet the stinkers and turdies at DARPA and Raytheon almost
certainly have “anti-drone” drones on the drawing board
as we speak.

As do the Russians, the Iranians, the Hooties, the chinks, the cartels and
the Scottish Mob…

In the very near future these things will be neutralized 
long before they can get anywhere near their targets.

The media and the faggotry have taken to calling these things “kamikaze drones”…probably because it sounds scarier? Whatever… but yeah…these are the drones you need to worry about. For now. They are basically bargain basement cruise missiles. Unlike multirotor drones these guys have advanced flight control algorithms for limited autonomy, and data acquisition and GPs navigation systems, advanced communication/telemetry and I’m hearing that some even sport rudimentary ECM abilities… but all this stuff has been on the battlefield for 30 years now. The only thing that’s changed is that the bad guys now have this technology too… and anyone with an IQ above freezing saw this coming decades ago. (Can someone get Aesop a juice box and some crayons?) HAR HAR HAR!!!


But here is another bucket to pour on the clucking chicken and aorta-heads: in the real world drone warfare doesn’t make sense. We saw this a month ago when Bibi Netanyahoo decided to have some sport with the Iranians and droned one of their embassies. Within the week, the Iranians replied with a hefty drone strike on Israel. Most of the drones were destroyed but a few hit - and hit hard. Roughly translated to modern political real speak, the Iranian message to Bibi was clear: “Listen here, you rat faced jewish cacksucker - if you drone us, we’ll drone YOU…” The IDF and Bibi are largely leaving the Iranians alone now.  Drone warfare is like targeted assassination. Sure - any number of bad actors can put a bullet through Biden, or Putler with one caress of the trigger. But… is that can of worms really one that you want to open? Knowing that tactics like that will be turned back on you? And all that, just for starters? Yeah. Even Bibi is watching his P’s n’ Q’s now.  Our leaders get cautious when their own skins are on the line. 

If I were going to chit my pants in fear… (and I may do it just for sport)… I’m far more worried about hypersonic weaponry. The chinks n’ Russkies are way out in front on this, and have a minor advantage  over us for the moment. 

So… that’s the final word on the state of drone warfare today. Tards and geniuses alike are welcome in the comments if anyone wants a rational discussion. Drones are merely the Current Thing that will soon be replaced by another preposterous current thing soon. No doubt, Peter G and Aesop will be there, flapping their gums in fright, warning us about how we’re all gonna die from Bird Flu next…


Again… whatever. The rest a ya’s… Thanks for stopping in.



  1. Thank you, Glen for your level headed insanity. Parsing the loons from the rest of us must be a tireless job.

  2. Still waiting for missiles the size of a salami that target individuals, like a Sidewinder but for infantry. Saw it in a sci-fi movie with, l believe, Tom Selleck.

  3. Wait the Scottish mob has them now! Fuck! We're screwed.

    1. If the gun club Fudds and duffers get these weapons we are all doomed…

  4. Yep! Thank you GF. Dale Gribble

  5. The “hypersonic missiles” are not new either. They are just ballistic missiles. Supposedly, they are air-breathing so as to make them lighter. The benefit is they are hard to shoot down because of the speed. The drawbacks are that they can’t turn well (because of the speed) and that they are really only useful on fixed targets (because it’s pretty easy to just move out of the way).

    There’s no magic in any of these weapons systems. It’s mostly marketing from your friendly neighborhood contractor.

  6. I think many of the interweb warlord brainiacs try to create a tempest in a teapot to increase their clicks. It's all about the money.

    1. The mass media does too. They do not exist to inform you; they exist to sell copy and sensationalize events to do it. And that’s when they aren’t acting as the propaganda arm for the govt…

  7. Mr. Filthie- you are a mean old man for picking at the young and handsome Aesop. We all need a warning for when the sky is falling.

  8. Thanks for your in-depth research and work.
    I concur with your take, except that there's shit loads of videos of DJI/Mavic/clone drones dropping various 'splody things on people and trenches. There's also a huge quantity of home built, 3d printer, racing type drones either dropping 'splodie's or diving into their targets. The little ones are taking a real toll on squadies.
    As for line of sight issues, I've read that the Russians are using signal relay, recon, drones for improving, extending their range.
    Hopefully, by the time clown world thinks broke dick tards like us are a problem, their supply lines are FUBAR enough that it's only unwilling, under supported, marginal minion meat sacks to deal with.

    1. There are people who think that if you could just ban all the guns - crime would magically stop. Others will tell you that socialism works. Still others will tell you the earth is flat. They all have “evidence” to support their arguments. Witnesses.
      Guys like Peter and Aesop are obviously write offs; they can’t learn because their gums are always flapping so they can’t listen.
      Go build an FPV drone, Mike. Tiny and Matt should too. It’s fun and you’re never too old for an educational hobby. Do the homework - and learn to fly it.
      We live in an age where you can literally not believe anything you see or hear. Had I not actually tried to do it…I might have been suckered by it too.

  9. Up your ass, Aesop. I deleted your comment the same way you deleted mine. I don’t mind going into the boards or a little high sticking … but that’s all you got. You can dish it out but you can’t take it. Poast your shit on your own blog, I will not have it on mine.

    1. Drat! Was he not entertaining? Might have been...

  10. Skipping over the sarcasm and such, I'll point out that 60 Minutes ran a segment some years back on the .50 caliber rifle, and claimed it could take down an airliner. Okay, think. I know it's painful, but at least try. If the above average gun owner could buy a Barret 50 and a box of ammo, then start taking down airliners, don't you think our armed forces would be using it? They aren't, and there's a reason for that.

    These people are so stupid it's painful.

    Now we got balloon heads who are buying into the crapcopter story, and I actually had this argument with a friend of mine who is fairly bright. He's seen video, he knows it works, and on and on. It wasn't until I pointed him at your site with the video proof that he very grudgingly admitted I might, might, have something.

    Most bloggers love to read their own posts and want support for whatever harebrained theory they're pushing this week. Me, I read more than I write.

    Thanks for writing, by the way.

    Meantime, I want a crapcopter that is rigged up so I can drop an M80 down my neighbor's chimney at 3:00 AM. Just imagine - at 2:45 AM Mad Jack's Black Attack drone lifts off out of his patio. No one is awake. No one sees the crafty copter as it flies three houses down and briefly hovers over the chimney before returning to base. Then... BLAM!!! End of the world in the chimney! By the time the cops are called and reluctantly show up it'll be five in the morning.


    It's copter wars!

    1. Exactly. It gets stupid. My elderly parents were horrified by my foolish toys. They told me that people were flying them up to the windows, taking vids of people on the crapper and poasting them on the internet. Or they were flying them into small planes altitude. OMFG the ragheads would use them with bio weapons to drop anthrax in the water supply!!!!

      Then all that went away when the media focused them on the next fake panic. Think it was a little flu bug called Covid. And the same thing happened there: the maskholes, the health Nazis, the neurotics - they all went nuts with fear and we’re STILL paying the costs for that. Aesop went screaming into the hills in fright on that too. Mass graves!!! Chocked morgues!!! We’re all going to die!!! And according to him - he’s a nurse! He has no idea how pandemics spread, no idea about how viruses propagate… and folks saw that and they lost their minds too. It was the damnedest thing - up here in Canada the former head of the Royal Canadian College Of Physicians who had a degree with majors in histology, virology, and immunology… and was the CEO of a hospital supply company. He calmly explained the pandemic was a scam, why. social distancing and masks were ineffective…and people ignored him and listened to retards like Aesop.

      The same thing’s going on here.

  11. The "Raconteurs" endless Walls of Texts? Can't read it, don't read it. Waste of time.
