Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pre-Departure Ramble Poast

Welp... I've got 5 6 of my own guns loaded up plus one of my buddy's guns. He was having major problems reloading for a new Savage straight-pull gun in 6.5 Creedmore and I got that sorted out. He might join me at the club later. Tomorrow I have the F-Tard Class shoot and I gotta put my dope on the scope as the cool kids say. I am going to get kilt.... but for me the thing is more about playing than winning. The F Class shooters are way outta the Special Olympian class in which I currently reside.

But it brings up an important point out here at The Log Of Ease: it's all well and good to have your guns dialed in, your ammo nearby and plentiful, and to be in a state of prepared readiness - like me! But! Of what use are all these preps and readiness drills and practices - if ya alarms aren't working?

Art has General Aesop on guard and ready to give us advance notice of any monkeyshines. I am still lauging about that, HAR HAR HAR!!!! I wish I could embed that video here! But... I shouldn't laugh. Our best, most vigilant men are on the job! HAR HAR HAR!!!

Personally...I don't have problems with that boy murdering his momma, though. Why, just the other day my awful 81 year old mother had her back to me and I was ready - I brought my trusty axe up for the fatal swing... and just then,  JL drove by in his squad car and gave me the evil eye. Gawddammit!!! A guy can't get away with anything with that damned red coat skulking about!!! I sheepishly threw my axe in with the camping gear and tried to look innocent... But dammit, premeditated momma-cide should be legal! That's all I gotta say about it!!!

So... yeah. I'm gonna set up at the range, get a fire going tonight and maybe smoke my pipe or a cigar. I have a couple farmers that want me to shoot coyotes for them out that way but I am getting silly in my old age. I might still have it in me to take a deer or a grouse (or a shrieking old harridan like my mom)... but otherwise I don't feel the need to kill things anymore. I don't think I could even be bothered with gophers anymore! I dunno if its less about getting soft in my old age, or just getting  lazy and bored? 

Before I go I guess we better test Art's alarm and make sure it works! ALL RETARDS AND STUBFARTS! MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS! THIS IS A DRILL! 

General Aesop - if you'd be so kind... please sound the alarm! HAR HAR HAR!!!! It never gets old!

Hustle boys! The stop watch is ticking! :)




  1. Enjoy the shoot,even though you should be wracked with guilt for even Thinking of dirtying up your camp hatchet. You Know everyone knows you have that. Gotta pick one up at a garage sale and pay cash. Hide it in a bag with venetian blinds. You mamacidal maniac.

  2. Son uses 6mm ARC in competition. What say you?
