Thursday, May 2, 2024

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil Joooooooooos…

 Hrmmmmm mmmm. Looks like our moral and intellectual betters in gubbimint are censoring the bible for our own good now. 

I used to fall for the Judeochristian claptrap and most a the guys out at the little chapel out in the country still do. When they speeched about it back at Easter they made the point: the jews didn’t kill Christ - we ALL did! Sure, jewish perfidy and mendacity had put Christ in the Roman court.. but the Romans acquiesced to it even though Jesus was clearly innocent. The officials in the courts went along with it, the jailers went along with it, the people that all sat on their hands and didn’t lift a finger to stop it were guilty. The point of the crucifiction in the biblical passages is that EVERYONE was guilty of betraying the prophet. My church’s position on this is clear. 


So…what is an outhouse stubfart to make of this? I dunno, really. Looking at the world today… to borrow from Ronald Reagan…the jews are the focus of evil in the world today. They are the drivers. Look…do your fact checking. Look at the driving players in the war in the ‘Kraine - jews are in there like a dirty shirt. Ditto for the war in the Middle East. I don’t care what anyone says, they have committed genocide in the Gaza and no bones about it. Look at the social movements that are tearing the country apart: radical feminism, socialism, LBGTQetc, money printing, corrupt media, mainstreamed pedophilia, censorship…the biggest players and enablers in all that are fuggin jews. Every. Single. Fricken. Time. 

There is nothing new under the sun, and this story has repeated itself time and again. Technically speaking the speechers at the little chapel out in the country remain correct even to this day. The jews may be the big drivers of sinful behaviour… but all their gentile fart catchers are going along with them. They’re hard at work, scrubbing the unpleasant and inconvenient facts and the truths of our day. But it is what it is. The Jews are black with sin, and trying to spin it as innocence makes you an accomplice.

I’m not advocating making the jews into soap or lamp shades… but I am not going to kneel down to them or our dirty politicos either. If nonsense like this doesn’t give the speechers at the church and other jew apologists pause for thought, nothing will.  


  1. For a period in my life, before Gab and the internet turned me into the hate-fueled racist hater McHater that I am today, I was a regular church goer and back-up Sunday school teacher. Which meant about once a month I prepped a lesson and spoke for ~45 minutes to other adults about whatever Bible verses we were supposed to discuss. As an aside, I always found the prepared lesson materials to be very childish and simple, even the adult material barely scratched the surface of what the verses meant. All very superficial.

    In any event, I still held the jews in complete contempt. I couldn't understand how any adult could read the Old Testament and not hate jews. The stories are horrific, their heroes are horrible, and the fact that God chose them sounded more like a curse than a blessing. I remember telling my wife many times that I hated teaching when the lesson was from the OT, seeing as how horrible the jews were. I could feel my teeth grinding down as I tried to teach the lesson and put a good spin on it. Made me sick. Probably why I stopped.

    I remember one gentleman, much older, told me King David was his personal hero and the Biblical person he most tried to emulate. I so badly wanted to ask him if he had attempted to murder his best friend so he could rape the wife, seeing as how he wanted to emulate David so much. I didn't, but I really wanted to. What the hell do those fucking people not understand?

    It's way too early to start drinking. Better stick to coffee and go look at memes about cats.

    1. Hmmmpppoffffftttt. Yeah I dunno Don. I dunno what to make of any of this.

      I’m not particularly worried; the faith will survive. My question (that I dare not ask at church) - is where does my culpability and liability for jewish malfeasance and sin end?

      If I sit on the sidelines some future theological egg head can say “You’re guilty!!!! You sat on your hands on the sidelines and let it all happen!!!” If I pick up a sword or a gun, “Your guilty! You should have turned the other cheek and left vengeance for God!!!”

      Whatever. In the real world? If the churches are going to let jews censor their bibles for them that is on them. To me that will make them jewish too. And I will regard them as the same fake Christians that queers, pedos, and other degenerates that aspire to holiness.

      This will only fuel antisemitism in the long run. Maybe that’s a good thing.

    2. My question (that I dare not ask at church) - is where does my culpability and liability for Jewish malfeasance and sin end?

      In my own opinion, you have no culpability and never did. Nor are you in any way liable for the sins of someone else, especially a nation of people half a world away from you.

      Consider. Christ was a Jew, and the Jews are God's chosen; chosen to spread Christianity. The Jews had the entire length of the OT to learn that the Savior was coming. I imagine they expected a man who looked like a cross between Doc Savage and Conan the Barbarian, who had the leadership abilities of Attila the Hun and the diplomatic skills of Genghis Khan. Instead they got a miracle worker who accepted everyone and informed the Jewish Pharisees that they had it wrong.

      The Jews rejected Christ, but the gentiles were happy to have Him. The Chosen Ones failed miserably in their assigned task - and the rest is history.

      So we worship the Lord, and if He wants us to do anything, I pray that he makes his meaning clear, because I'm no good at hints.

  2. “If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.”
    - Voltaire

    1. I can kinda sorta empathize and understand the intent of the people driving this. They are scared shitless and they damned well should be. The jews need to police their community and membership but... they never do. As a result they keep sinning, fomenting hatred and evil and eventually it blows - just as it did in Nazi Germany. As it is doing in the middle east. As it will eventually do here.

      It can do nothing else. Christians (and moslems, for that matter) see sin, or error - and move to rebuke and correct it. It is (or used to be) a foundation of their faiths. I don't think the jews have a mechanism for this.

    2. It's their inherent inability to under stand the WHY of it...

      They've been "tribally ingrained/programmed" that LITERALLY NOTHING is EVER their fault, that it's ALWAYS those damned anti-Semitic Goyim... It's also a HEAVY matriarchal society... "Mommy knows best" and every. single. Jewish. female. I've ever met is a full on bag of psycho-neurosis...

      To the point is -WHY_ in the ever living FUCK does the Untied Staatz have to pass such laws?

      When they've been DRIVEN out of 110 and what countries and/or holocausted (legit in some cases) or managed to hoax their way into power, when it was the Untied Staatz who ALLOWED their foul small hat big nose asses in here?

      It's b/c they're scared shitless... as well they should be.

      Talk about ingratitude.

      Let me ask you this:
      How many Holohoax Monuments/Museums and whatnot are in the States?
      Answer: Well... let's say a shitpot worth
      10 in (J)New York and 6 in Florida alone!!!

      Now, next question for the Studio Viewing Audience:
      How many Monuments IN ISREAL for the various Nationalities Troops who fucking died saving their worthless foreskin chewing asses?

      Not Fucking One.

      THAT is why they're in deep shit
      Fuck 'em.
      Let 'em die. Fuck their "fweelings"

  3. The Jews manipulated the government into killing Christ, threatening continual riots and economic upheaval if they didn't get their way in having this innocent (but politically dangerous) man executed.

    Sound familiar?

    1. Eerily familiar, McC. All I know is that if a people settle in 109 countries, eventually getting kicked out of all of them… something besides antisemitism is going on.

    2. BTW: Just FYI, the last Foreskin Chewer in Kabul finally left... the Taliban didn't kill him b/c of optics, so call it 110 now. Also, if you get called an asshole in 109/110 bars, and get throw out of ALLLLL them bars, it it ALLLLL them bars fault, or maybe it's you?

  4. Well, it seems as if they left whatever rebuking that got done to their prophets, who they either ignored or persecuted/killed. On the main, they seemed to adhere to scorched earth tribalism, even in the Torah accounts. With the Babylonian Talmud, things got even more explicit concerning all gentiles only being there to serve Their Choseness.

  5. Tree Mike, ef bee eye code name: Foghorn LeghornMay 2, 2024 at 10:58 AM

    Getting Truth pilled here will, no doubt, get me extra points for "The Lists". So be it, I'll be in fine company Sir (British adjacent) Filthie.
    I concur with comments above
    About that cheek thing, I interpret that to mean with friends, family and neighbors, turn the other cheek in matters of some disagreement, rather than going full medieval and damaging, destruction of relations. With situations that warrant, beat the plowshare into a sword. The Lord was no pacifist, I seem to recall something about Him Kicking Money changers asses IN the Temple on the Mount. Because I'm Christian Lite (not heavy), I don't have the scriptures readily at hand, but I'm sure some here can pull them up easily.
    Just my worth less 2 cents.

    1. I tend to agree Mike. I am not a theologian or an evangelist or a zealot… but this ain’t right. I can’t see Christians taking this.

  6. Bullseye Glen! 100% correct! It's always them!
