Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How Antisemites Are Made

One day, outta sheer boredom… I started fact checking the antisemites. I was astonished and horrified when some of the claims checked out. Or how most of the others dead ended with the kind of questions you’re not allowed to ask, and conclusions you’re not supposed to speak about. Talk about getting mugged by reality… it’s happening to more of us every day. Another bald headed old fart has his epiphany.

I did NOT watch an old re-run of Hitler’s speeches and get magically hypnotized into being a jew hater. I was not radicalized by the stubfart Oaf Keepers, goofy Proud Boys, Alex Jones, Dilbert or the Rotary Club. 

I simply started watching CNN and MSNBC. I read stuff in the New York Times written by menstrual (((Sarah’s))) and (((Rebecca’s))) that called for my extermination and racial replacement. I noticed the kinds of (((people))) pushing perverted social policies that harmed children and destroyed families. Same with the various parties that are fomenting the looming financial crisis and collapse. I noted their involvement in genocides in both the Kraine and the Gaza. I am dismayed, but not surprised when people that were supposed to represent guys like me started to sell out to them.  (Hey, Ron! I’ve got Dilbert holding for you on line 2!)

That was perhaps my last straw. When supposedly solid Americans voated to put fuggin jews in charge of censoring my Bible for (hork, spit) hate speech…?  To whitewash jewish involvement in the Crucifiction?I’ll just let Dilbert do my hate speechin’ for me. His Tourette’s will be as bad as mine at the rate he’s going. Nope… for me…I’m just gonna just sit back, check the loads in my pistols, make sure there’s one up the pipe and ready to go… and leave them loose in their holsters. I’ve got my eyes on the room, with primary and secondary targets designated. Tertiary targets if I live that long, HAR HAR HAR! 

๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ‘

Johnny does the honours with 
The Ballad Of The Retard Stubfart Gunfighter

Okay! Alright! Anymore a that and I’ll be spitting and gobbing like Scott! Settle down, Filthie! Suffice it to say… I’m watching. I’m not hating, emotion can run your mouth and get ya killed as fast as emotions and gun play I suppose. Suffice it to say, I’m watching. AND thinking as coldly and dispassionately as I can. If things go squirrelly it’s all up to God. Just like it always is, I guess. I’ll get a piece before I go, if they wanna get stupid about it.

The hell of all this is that The bible is all about love. It’s the Christian Bible and values that drove many American men to hit the beaches at D Day. It kept them going across the European hellscape of WW2, and it was their God that was with them when they freed the surviving jews from German concentration camps. And today - it’s the Bible and Christian values that keep people from beating and shooting rat faced jewish cack suckers like this:

All I’m saying is, you really, REALLY want to be careful about attacking the Bible (and thereby Christians (and thereby God)) Mr. Greenblatt. They are the only reason jewish arseholes like you and your vassals are still breathing. You keep going like this…and you will be punished for your sins the same way your ancestors were in biblical times.  Maybe YOU need to police YOUR people. If I had my way, I’d get the Americans out of the Middle East and leave every last one of you fuckers to the mercy of Iran. And that is coming from a guy that used to think Israel was a friend and guys like you were allies. I have no such illusions anymore.

But…whadda I know? I don’t speak for God, I only notice repeating patterns. It’s a good skill to have when people get stupid and treacherous.


  1. Hello, fellow noticers. I'm a noticer myself.

    1. I am sure there is some Yiddish phrase that corresponds to the Gestapo one about "Ve haff vays off making you see things differently...."

  2. intelligence, an open mind, a good bs filter, and a bit of age tend to help you see things like this in the world.
    i agree- let the sand nignogs have em.

    1. Yep. They are both acting like animals, they have been since Israel was founded, and we have no place in that conflict. Our only God given role in such as schmoz is as peace keepers. Setting up the negotiation table, MAYBE some minor peace keeping/police functions - and THAT'S IT.

  3. First, the mobs came for the straight, White, Christian men, and the Jews did nothing, because they had sent the mobs.

  4. Don't forget that the little hat brigade were also the leaders of Soviet communism, and formed the bloodthirsty core of their secret police. The Jews executed the Holodomor in Ukraine and purged the priests, politicians, and officers in the Baltic states and half of Poland. And now they complain endlessly after the locals exacted a small measure of revenge in 1941-44.

    1. I don't get it, McC. This is their last shot. If they can't make Israel work... they're done. They need the good will of legacy Americans, Christians, political moderates - anyone that can help them has to be treated with deference and respect if they are to survive long term in their current form... and they are pissing in the face of all of them. As Dilbert said - "...if you want me to hate and loathe these people... keep doing exactly what you're doing..."

      Bibi needs to be taken out and shot, for starters...

    2. Israel is merely a base and a fund raising opportunity. They already own the US, Canada, France, formerly Great Britain, Germany...

  5. The last few years people have been coming to Florida in droves, my taxes are up, housing has doubled, my utilities have doubled and the "GOP" running things down to the local level with their masonic brotherhood of politicians, counsels and businesses are sticking it to the people. Even in rural parts of the panhandle, and little towns like where i live used to be great, now they are slapping up $400k homes everywhere and more storage facilities with no infrastructure improvements. My large tract of remote property used to be peaceful and quiet, now sounds like living in a major city everyday. Zion Ron and his southern Florida/NYC masters are ruining this state and its time for me to go. Go where? Where no one else wants to be. I'll leave that determination up to you. Parts of appalachia with negative growth and raw austerity look good. Maybe i can finish out my time in my skin suit there until they foook that up also. Zionism is communism for right wingers. Republicans dont serve the constitution or Christ, it is a dialectic "they" use against the communist left, which emanates from the same "fountain". Republicans prioritize its "donors" over both the constitution and its constitutes. Masons were taken over by the tribe, most dont get that, and a mason can never go against another mason.

    1. This isn't just an American problem. It's the same up here too. We need to clean house, and get the big donors and corporations out of the political process. Every donation to the political parties has to be watched and approved by we the people or all there will be is uniparty grift. Canada and Australia and pretty much all of Europe is working exactly the same as you Yanks. These guys need to be voted out in an open and honest election, and barriers will need to be put up to keep them out. I dunno if it will take gun play to do that or not... hopefully the threat of that will be enough...

  6. Yes, the noticing........
    Anywho, have you noticed how many bloggers are caught in the middle nowadays, posting pro-Israel memes alongside anti-genocide ones? Advocating the arrest of people for criticizing the genocide, yet complaining about the billions sent to Israel?
    Cheerleading for Trump, but railing against "his" miracle jabs?
    They're either incredibly stupid, or struggling with extreme cognitive dissonance. Maybe they'll wake up soon.

    1. I don't get it either, D. The Z Man was on awhile back about how Trump's only redeeming quality is as a "wrecking ball" that will finally burn both corrupt parties to the ground. I don't see it that way; I think the wrecking ball is still out there, and if Trump doesn't come back and to some house cleaning, that eventually that wrecking ball will be unleashed and we'll ALL get pulverized by it... and perhaps, the jews most of all.

    2. The Zionists have majority control of our Congress. Have for a while. AIPAC will determine the course of politics in this country. Most people don't see it.
      You'll like this:
      They've succeeded in the divide and conquer tactic, and now we all just have to hope they'll fail with the final enslavement move. Who knows?

  7. Just wait'll the first goy or shiksa politician actually converts to Judaism to prove they "stand with Israel".

    1. Well I think the dual citizenship thing has to stop, as does this 'tolerance' juggernaut....

  8. I left a lengthy, noticing, "get (((Their))) attention" rant about 3 am, while riding out our storm, tornado warning episode. Disappeared. Maybe Murphy or Glen are watching out for me. Anyway, it was along McChuck's line of noticing.

    1. I didn't get it Mike... I used to drop the odd comment back with the old blog when I was getting spammed by the scammers... I think the hang up might be on your end for that one...

  9. They shoulda left that J. Greenblatt's foreskin in place so he could pull it over his face.

  10. Posting this anonymous as the "small hat crowd" has a LONG reach and this subject is verbotten.

    First, realize that we are talking about the Khazarian Mafia NOT the average practicing Jew.
    Practicing Jews who follow their religion are much like all of us and it was THEY who got screwed and died in the Holocaust NOT the Khazarian Mafia.
    Khazarian Mafia bastards like George Soros are "Jews in Name Only" and admit that they were collaborators and sell outs turning in real Jews in WWII (Anne Frank anyone).
    The Khazarian Mafia are really followers of Moloch the Canaanite god that requires child sacrifice. If you want to freak out, look up symbols of Moloch and compare them to corporate logos, etc. These are evil bastards with their own master plans and I pray that we can finally defeat them. Just never fall for their "cover" as Jews because they most certainly are NOT.

    1. Millenia of evidence of ritual sacrifice shows that it was done by jews regardless of subgroup, and there is no reason to suppose they were anything other than average practicing jews.

      I say this for others, because anyone believing in the Holocaust™ or Anne Frank bullshit or KM isn't going to figure this out.
