Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sunday Ramble: You're Next, Kid...


Your spiritual destination awaits, snowbirds!
When they die and go to hell you can bet your bottom dollar they
will take as much as they can with them.

And - Y’know what? Good for them! They have nothing I need,
and as far as this mortal coil goes…if I’m good with my wife and my Maker…
it’s ALL good.


I totally get this. When some of those Boomers die and go to hell they are going to travel first class in posh cabins with a free minibar and room service. When they get off the boat they’ll go to the lava pits to soak in the mineral-rich deposits before hitting the best restaurants. That could be my mom and dad in that pic, HAR HAR HAR! If Ol’ Scratch can put up with their arrogance and their BS…he will clean up on tips! HAR HAR HAR!!! They will snub his evil minions and accuse them of being lazy and stupid just like their own kids!


I feel for the kids, I made the boomer demographic by a few months but for all intents and purposes I got the same ride Gen X did. I had to put up with parents who were mature and had REAL problems: should they get the RV this year or next? Should they get a moderately big one with all the bells and whistles? Or one that is fuggin huge with 6 pop-outs, granite countertops, 3 shitters and a fully developed basement? Or should they get a vacation home in Arizona? They solved that one by buying ALL of it! 😂 They did that when us kids were younger and working 60 hours a week for peanuts and we barely kept the lights on.

It’s really tough on the kids because they WANT things. They’re very competitive too and compare themselves to others. They think they’re being punished and hold their parents accountable. I remember laughing at my millennial daughter. She thought I was a rat bastard because in her eyes, I should have been financially assisting her and her creepy love partner to make ends meet when they graduated from their Mickey Mouse Fine Art program at No Name U…and couldn’t find jobs. Stop laughing you old fart! Rent is very very expensive in Hongcouver!!! Nobody told them things were gonna be so hard after school!!! Or at least…nobody they wanted to listen to said anything…my kids thought I was made of money too!😂👍

Demographically speaking I am almost perfectly positioned between Boomers and Xers and to be honest… I hate them both!!! For all the rotten things Boomers supposedly did, Gen X and younger demographics did absolutely NOTHING to change things. Justin Turdo is Gen X. The kids voted for him. Repeatedly. How many kids are going to default on their student loans and try and stick the tax payer with the bill? And then promptly go right back into other debts they can’t afford? 

In time you come to realize that your time here is limited. If you want to spend your life bowing down to the Almighty Dollar and selling your soul to do it, I promise you that at some point you will come to regret and be embarrassed by it. If you want to spend your energy envious and resentful of others you will regret that too. Don’t ask me how I know this. If you’re not careful you eventually stop owning your possessions… and they start owning you. You kids probably don’t want what your parents had… look what it did to them.

But whadda I know? I may not look it but I am a very very rich man. I just can’t seem to remember that for some reason…

Hope you get out with the family and do something fun today.




  1. By no means are you alone, my blessing is that despite my best efforts my adult children still spend time with me and are self sufficient.

  2. I guess I'm living high on the hog. Sometimes my oldest will make some snide comments and I'll have to remind him that when I was his age, we were living paycheck to paycheck and occasionally I'd get to decide what bills weren't getting paid just so we could eat. Of course we didn't let on about money issues to our kids, so they don't remember that. They seem to think that once they get out of school and get a job, they should be living the same lifestyle as people 30-40 years older. Life don't work like that.

    I'm right on the line between boomer and gen x myself. My parents hoarded their wealth and lived like paupers. They finally started handing out money after I'd already worked my way past any financial issues to where I didn't need it. A little resentment, but then it's their money and my mom carries on about giving it to charity, so whatever.

    Anyway, I refuse to feel guilty about living like I do. I earned it. I've tried to help others where possible, and I've tried to guide my children (who mostly refused to listen). So I'll whistle past the graveyard and all that while RV camping and spending money on tools I don't need.

  3. You're a salty curmudgeon, and of all the folks I track on da net, I identify with you most. I got lucky in a couple places you didn't, and maybe some of that was early paranoia, but for the most part, I didn't earn it... and it came pretty late (I suspect I'm a tad older). I keep my reationship with 'the kids' from going to hell by limiting their exposure to me. (or are they doing that?) Life's pretty good now... just in time to die in a swat rush.

  4. My family was full of stupid boomers who died penniless. They didn't leave me with anything except a lasting example of how 'not' to live, act, and treat others. They were greedy, overbearing, brash, and selfish. Unlike their peers, they were mostly poor because they had no idea how to invest and work with money.

    My mother died destitute and miserable and, although we don't speak, from what I gather my father won't be far behind her. Their bad habits will die with them.

  5. I was born in August of 64. My parents were Boomers, which were originally said to be children of the WW2 Vets. When I went to college in the early to mid 80s everyone in my class knew we were Generation X. I had nothing in common with this who grew up and came of Age in the 50s, 60s and early 70s. I faced no chance of being carted off to Vietnam or being drafted. I didn’t experience Happy Days and American Graffiti. Nor were we old enough for Woodstock or the Summer of Love etc.

    No, I came of age to gas lines along with odd even rationing days. Muscle Cars had been neutered by the the government and insurance along with terrible economics of stagflation, high unemployment and interest rates. But we had video games, MTV and Punk Rock. My career was filled with layoffs as my job got outsourced multiple times.

    It was years after my graduation from college in 86 did the experts start lumping me into the Boomer Generation. The final and ultimate indignity.

  6. A month or so ago there was a meme going around and one of the comments, from a kid of course, was moral outrage that their parents were not "taking care of their family" by leaving them a wad of money starting before they died.

    It was transparent greed.

    The correct response would be for the parents to leave the money to the grandkids since being a tightwad is probably genetic and their kid would probably not leave any money for their children.

    And if the kid never had children of his/her own (pretty likely for somebody of their mindset) the parents could just leave the money to a charity that sprinkled on kids that would be the same ages as their grandchildren would have been.

    We have an obligation to our children which ends when they become adults-by-the-calendar. We also have an obligation to our species and culture.
