Thursday, April 11, 2024

Don’t Be In Stupid Places With Stupid People


Hrmmmm… now that I turn my formidable intellect on it… maybe the savvy prepper must be skilled at deception to survive the looming apocalypse too? There’s a LOT of stupid people around (present company excepted of course)… and the morons are EVERYWHERE…😑

Practice your blending skills, men! πŸ‘ Being the “grey man” isn’t good enough! You will probly need to be able to go full retard like Aesop if you hope to survive a crowded, moron-rich environMINT! You will want to be able to emulate the local retards. They will vary depending on where you are. If I were in Chicago, for example…

White folks don’t season dey food! I wants muh reparations now mofo!!! Fuck da white man!!! 


Much like Inspector Clouseau…I think we can all agree that I am a master of disguise. πŸ‘πŸΏ


  1. I've got my 'aqualung' outfit ready to don...plenty of room to pack the big iron!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. I'll be standing by the tree with Tre Bark camo suit on.
    In the lowest common denominator workers utopia even a 110 IQ is genius level.
    The odds are in our favor.

    1. Amongst people for whom 85 is the average IQ, for whom 40% are too stupid to hold a mundane job… this is unquestionably true.

  3. Remain downwind and you may pull it off. For a while. Any ventral expulsion is bound to convict you.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
