Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Off Vicki Goes, Sailing Into The Sunset

It’s gotta be over a million people dead over there.
530,000 Uke squaddies
200,000 Russian squaddies
Civilians…? Your guess is as good as mine.

All for nothing. All those people that died…
and this woman goes into a posh retirement.

Perhaps this makes sense to God or maybe on a plane of
existence far from this one?


  1. Pretty sure he will say lake of fire or something like that.

  2. Victoria Nuland is Satan's concubine. Her activities would make Ilse Koch look like Mother Teresa.

  3. I think she split so she can slither away to her bunker.

    1. Agreed. The Z-Man offers some other plausible explanations too.

      Given the cast of characters involved in this one I suspect that things are going so bad over there (and here, domestically) - that there is going to be fallout from it. BC notes that they are starting to lose M1 Abrams tanks over there now too...

    2. Supposedly a foia on Gonzalo Lira will implicate her. Her pic is next to Webster definition of evil
