Apparently Trump threatened America with a “bloodbath” at a recent speech and the lefties are shitting their pants in fright. They’re all over the news talking about insurrection, civil war, blood and death. The thing with those guys is that they always telegraph their intentions. If they accuse you of raiding the cookie jar, you can be sure they are the ones taking the cookies. When they accuse you of hate speech, rigging elections, intolerance or evil intentions…that is exactly what they are doing.
I think your next election isn’t going to be about Trump vs Biden…I think it’s going to be the ballot box vs the cartridge box. They are going to fire the first shot that kicks it all off too…
Of course…it’s all BS. Trump used a figure of speech and only a complete moron could misinterpret it. But…whatever. The telegraph is clicking away, and the message is not what it purports to be. It never is, with those guys.
Work has banned work related travel to the US after sep 1st because of the high risk of civil disorder.