Friday, February 16, 2024

Well if that pic was taken in 1988…then there ain’t no way that could 
be Turdo Le Doo.

But it gives ya some insight into his character… his mom was literally 
a bipolar whore and his father was a bisexual flimp. How’s a kid supposed to make good being raised
by fwench trash like that?  I wonder what his own kids 
are going to be like?


  1. Castros gonna Castro.
    Manboons is still grappling with commie horseshit almost 200 years later.
    Sad, really.

    1. No chit, eh? In this fuggin country those a-hole libtards see Adolf Hitler under their beds and in the washrooms and at the convenience store... but hardcore socialist morons like Turdo are a dime a dozen. Hell, every second retard in the NDP is a closet commie...

  2. Margaret (née Sinclair) Trudeau was born in Vancouver. She's half Scottish (as in her dad was an immigrant from Scotland). It's more what doing drugs and being an attractive, "popular" woman does to one's soul during the late 60s and early 70s (or, really any time in history).

    1. Well... unfortunately the Scots today are almost as faggotified as the buggardly fwench! Pretty much all of Europe started to slide in the 60's, really. They have literally destroyed themselves with socialism...

  3. Why does the hand covering kid's crotch only have 3 fingers? Reeks of pervosity.

    1. It is probably up the Sprog's pooper, knowing that bloody ditz!

  4. Whatever else, his kids won't be happy. They MAY be master class pursuers of fun, pleasure, but they won't be happy. They are likely to have been loaned out to "friends of the family" for week end "sleep overs". That's how they roll, making contacts, friends, networking, building "relationships"..."The Life".

    1. Hate to say it Mike... but I would not be surprised at all by that clan at all. They are in tight with the lavender mob and no doubt the pedo brigade too...

    2. NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) was headquartered in Ottawa for the longest time. It is rumoured that many of P. Trudeau's high-ranking bureaucrats, political "king-makers" and money-guys were part of this association and the reason the RCMP never bothered or investigated them.

  5. That lispy fuckstick and his toejam scraping nazi freeland are finally getting law suited!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Freeland... OMG. That woman is as DUMB as a bloody post! She has a voice like a knife, and an intellect on par with a bloody budgie. (And the budgie gets the worst of that one too...).
