Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Short Memories


How does he do it? 
The man can produce these while simultaneously 
finger painting, picking his butt and 
mining for boogers.

But... something doesn't add up? I seem to remember a certain nobody loudly proclaiming the Russians were all stupid, their equipment was no good, they were running out of ammunition and that the dirty Russkies would be on the run in 6 weeks. 

I wonder seriously how their minds work? Maybe this is a clue? You'd think they'd be capable of some kind of self correction and introspection... but ... no. First we were all gonna die from ebola. Then it was COVID - he had aerial photographs of mass graves being dug - and now the Kraine. After only 3 years, approx. 350 billion dollars, 1 million dead Ukes...still... nothing. 

Far as I am concerned, the Ukranian Penis Pianist was an idiot, and he listened to other idiots, who are now flailing about trying to distance themselves. Are they doing that because they don't want to look in the mirror and see themselves as they are? 

Oh well. These wits and thinkers will have another Current Thing for us soon.

All I can do is sit 
And stare in wonder

Then lift my leg 
And fart like fuggin thunder...

I Did!


And, in my glory days, I had vast stocks of bubble gum,
comics and hockey cards to prove it!


Humpday Harrrumpfff’s

Sorry for the meagre pickings, friends. Last night when I shoulda been doom scrolling, I instead tooned in to the WWF beat down starring the great Orange Bastard himself! I know it’s all just kabuki theatre… but lawdy-lawdy… watching those self important shrews and faggot democrats getting mocked … it was good for the soul. I’m still chuckling about it. Let us hope that sanity breaks out soon elsewhere too…


From The Citizens Coalition To Ban White Underwear For Men


Screw your freedom!!!

My rights are not infringed one iota because you can’t run around
in squishy pants smelling like a goat’s arse!

Remember to wipe after going to the can, men! With TP!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Beautiful Sight


Watching this old gin slut trying to chow down on that Trumpburger
is a glorious thing…


A Chooseday Shit Poost - We're Gonna Need A Bigger Wood Chipper

 I shout and rant at the clouds beneath the fold. If you hate and loathe my politics - and I don't blame you at all if you do - it's probably worth a miss.



Unless my eyes deceive me - that’s an Ariel Square Four engine.  And Ariel motorcycles went the way of the buffalo before I was born. To take a magnificent engine from a legendary motorcycle manufacturer, and put it in a monster like that? It’s a sin against God, man, and nature itself.

Some people are unfit to worship at the Throne Of God or at The Altar Of The Machine…

Evil knows no bounds.