Thursday, October 17, 2024

Odds On Artemis

 Being a miserable old goat - who is usually right about everything - I have repeatedly expressed grave misgivings about the upcoming Artemis space program. To recap - we can no longer handle simple math, compile statistics, analyze them or extrapolate from them. The COVID fiasco proved we can no longer do medicine or plan on effective countermeasures if we ever do face a real pandemic. Any real scientific or technological accomplishMINT first has to be passed through a political correctness filter and then be fortified with extra faggotry, feminism, propagandized and multiculturalized. When viewed through that lens, the mission to put diversity on the moon seems fraught with peril!!


But… hmmmmmmmm… harumppfff!!! If all the mission is - is to ferry some dancing monkeys to the moon and let them out to play in the low grav vacuum in snappy space suits… and load them up and bring them back…

It appears you probably can send a monkey to the moon and bring him back again. This rocket could have had a whole barrel of monkeys on board… as long as Robbie The Robot is flying. 

Get your wallets out and place your bets, fellas! What are the odds now? 60-40? 

It HAS To Be A Puppet…


WL… perhaps you and your .416 Rigby 
will do the honours…?

If it’s real it belongs in WL’s trophy room…
right beside that tyrannosaur, maybe…?

Borepatch Taken Into Custody…


Those “Dad Jokes” 
gotta stop somehow…

No Mercy For Old People


What is it with fuggin Donks
and elder abuse?
They did it with Ginsburg and Biden too.

There was a time when Jimmeh shoulda been
rammed down the bore of a canon and fired
at the Iranians.

Is there a statute of limitations on such things?
Looking at that…
He should be parked beneath a shady tree, or by
a sunny window, and be allowed to drift
away in peace.

That’s not Jimmy, that is a corpse.

A Fall Ramble - Poetry


When I was a kid there were too many paths to tread, and too little time and too little help to evaluate them. As an adult my options narrowed. In retrospect I did alright. 

Are there any poets today? I see any number of freaks putting on pretentious airs of artisans and poets… but is there any real talent out there right now?

There Are Worse Things For Fathers…

 Y’know… when my daughter came prancing out of the closet posing as a righteous social justice warrior and a cultured gay artiste…I didn’t things could get much worse for a father. But…can you imagine your kids posing for pics like this?