Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Radio Preps - I'm On A Wave Length Far From Home


Well thankfully all our stubfarts, retards n' oh-so-troubled senior delinquents seemed to have come through the big storms in fine style. BP ran out of popcorn, BC ran out of beer but other than that the boys seem to have given good account of themselves. They looked after not only themselves and their own - but the neighbours and family as well. It don't get any better than that.

They're talking about star link and radios and my ears always perk up when the subjects of comms comes up. I know enough to be dangerous and that's it. It's an infuriating subject of study for me Awhile back I was all cranked up about some Chinese short wave radios that could be bought for a song and dance on Amazon. I read about the radio heads getting 35 miles out of them and some were able to eavesdrop on the ISS with nigger-rigged African American Engineered antennas. There's all kinds a hacks, and any time someone poasts one up, the geeks come swarming out of the woodwork to claim that it won't work in real life, and others will hop up and down and insist they will. 

BP was talking about having a spare battery operated radio which got me thinking about these hand crankers. Pete started talking about short wave and the next thing I know - I am getting stupid ideas again. That audio visual shite is one big, deep rabbit hole for guys like me and I'd love to explore it... but I have enough money pits to play in.

I really like the idea though, that if you live in places and climes where severe storms are likely - of being able to listen in on the cops and fire fighters and other authorities that become critical in such situations. A scanner, I thought, would be nice to monitor them so you can keep tabs on what the pricks are up to! I hate to say it but I have absolutely zero confidence and trust in the authorities now. Even up here in Canada it's getting bad. I saw cops beating up priests and kids for not wearing masks during the COVID shit show and that just did me in.

But... how much use would a scanner actually be? If those guys get up to no good - they aren't going to say anything over what is basically a public accessed wavelength. I know a lot of cops talking about using cells rather than the radio now.

I also wonder if those hand cranked radios are worth a hoot? Or are they just toys...? If you have any insights - feel free to chime in.

Weight Loss And Ambition In A Syringe...

 ... brought to us by the fine folks at the British NHS.

Hrrrrrmmmmm.... "tirzepatide".

A chithouse web search outlines potential side effects: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypo/hyper glycemia, and gawd only knows what other crap will be in that jab before our friends in gubbimint and the pharmaceutical industry are done perfecting it. Presumably some people sat around and at least had a meeting to discuss whether this was a good idea or not?

Our benefactors in the high echelons of power learned a lot from the COVID fiasco, I will give them that.

Unfortunately for them, a lot of us learned hard lessons from that gong show too...

I’m Gonna Pose For A Pic Like That…

…and laugh as you guys become violently ill!

Fine Art Tuesday


Tuesday Faggotry


For the live a gawd… it’s COFFEE…or - it’s supposed
to be.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Another Canadian Thanksgiving Gone By


Well that was awesome. πŸ‘

I said to hell with the diet. I didn’t pig out - but I had a plate with turkey, smashed potatoes, stuffing… and a store bought pumpkin pie full a seed oils, goy slop and solyent green. I’m bouncing around ten pounds off in the last two weeks since I’ve been eating more responsibly and exercising a bit more. Pup and I are averaging between 8 and 12 clicks a day.

Still…I gotta get back on the wagon after that blow out. I’m dumping weight fast which is to be expected at first… but it’ll slow down all too soon and I will have to fight tooth and nail for every pound soon enough. 

Life resumes, and continues apace.

Let’s Get This Week Started Off Right!

A-holes just LOVE pineapples!

I used to think I’d actually enjoy recreational explosives but as I get older and perhaps wiser… the idea of walking around with one of those monsters in my hand would creep me out. Especially these days when half the people at the grenade factory are diversity hires. It’d be a bad way to have an issue or defect in workmanship…

I know DuPont, CIL and Hogden blew up fairly regularly and I wonder if it’s because some fwench or pajeet pipepolisher stops to sneak a drag on a cigarette or maybe lights up a White Owl in some place he shouldn’t… and BOOM! The whole plant goes up!

That’s usually how Mondays work, ininit? 

Let’s not have any of that today.