Wednesday, May 1, 2024


The Correct Approach To The Issues Of Our Day

One of the truisms of our day is that people get the govts they want and deserve. Aaaaaand when bad things happen to the people they represent… when ya dig down and look at “root causes” and effects… the people inevitably brought it on themselves. When Sally Soccer Mom or Shelly Shitlib get kicked in the face by diversity… our instinct is to be angry and protective toward our women.  But in reality…they are getting what they voated for and deserve. Things are so bad now that if you DO intervene to protect these idiots…the perp will be out on the street right after he’s caught, and you will go to jail. 

This system has to die. At some point the establishment has to start looking after its citizens…or at some point, they will start looking after themselves. There’s that old nickel about how 1/3 of the country wants to murder the other 1/3, and the remaining 1/3 is going to sit around and watch.  In this day and age we really need to think about who gets our sympathy and support.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

That’s EXACTLY How It Works


…and then I wake up at 3:00am and can’t get back to sleep…😞

JL You F-TARD!!! Get Your Ass In Here Right Now!!!

And - while I'm chitting my pants in rage... FJT too!!!!

Just like law enforce-MINT.!!!  Never around when ya need 'em!!! 😡 GAH!!! I'M HAVING A KINIPTION!!!!!

We obviously need a Canadian law enforcement perspective on this. I can't do it because every day I wake up in Canada, there's more lunatics, more aliens, UFO's and dangerous lower order forms of life... and my trigger finger gets ever itchier!!! I am not kidding one iota - if Turdo La Doo caught a bullet in the face right now - I'd go down and buy a round for the house at the local pub! Every day I see more and more  "F*** Trudeau" signs up on cars, in people's yards, even a few businesses are putting them up.

Here's the scoop for our rich evil capitalist American pig-dog friends down south: Just as California is failed leftist state for America... BC is Canada's "land of froots n' nuts". It's capitol city is Hongcouver where queers, pedos, vibrants, commies and lunatics abound. Ironically, this human landfill sits on the nation's prettiest real estate - but I digress. This is why we need JL. I need someone to check my sobriety and make sure that I'm not too drunk to poast! If I am drunk again and imagining all this - I need to go down and book into the remand centre to dry out for 30 days!

The situation as I understand it: The leftist faggotry in BC decided that drugs AREN'T bad, M'kay? They decided they'd prove that theory with a social experiment "pilot project" right smack dab in the middle of Canada's Turd Brain Capitol - Hongcouver. It was decreed that it was okay for addicts to have small amounts of recreational pharmaceuticals like weed, fentanyl, crack cocaine or other harmless party favourites. For all intents and purposes drugs were legalized - if I understand it correctly.

To the complete and utter astonishment of BC's leaders, community organizers, and influencers - the project failed spectacularly. Legions of addled addicts, zombies, and other human derelicts took to the public spaces and dropped used needles, chased the women and kids around, defecating anywhere and everywhere, pishing their pants, stumbling out in front of traffic and turning their neighbourhoods into yet another episode of the Walking Dead. I saw it on OyTube: these guys get bent and hunched over, just like zombies. Or they just stand in place, zoned out of this plane of existence and all that is in it. Hongcouver's lower east side looks like the Escape From New York.

So - according to what I am seeing, the esteemed noble class of BC called the experi-MINT a failure and moved to cancel it... and the fuggin Feds are standing in the way of that?!?!?

Standard caveats and weasel words apply:
this is a conservative party propaganda vid... but 
I *think* it is largely legit.

So... that's my question to Canada's finest law enforcement officer - is this an accurate state of affairs? Other questions:

  • is there no legal way to deal with Turdo? To me this looks like a legitimate case of criminal negligence at best! Could it be legally argued that this shit head is an accessory to this criminality?
  • What do I do as a citizen in the face of this idiocy? Turdo is telling me that he is going to encourage criminal misconduct and will not punish it... and oh - by the way - hand in your guns or else we'll put you in jail...?
  • What is the force going to do about this? How are they handling it?
  • What are YOU going to do as any credibility in our gov't, judiciary, and law enforcement blows away?
  • What am I supposed to do as a lawful citizen in the face of this idiocy? Do your superiors in the constabulary seriously expect me to go along with this?
  • Is there anything going on in the background that will make this make sense, somehow?
Right now I am wondering what country I live in. If shit like this continues - I better leave it at that or I'll be fed-poasting.


I’m trying to get the blog’s GIF machine to work but the adjustment mechanism only seems to dim the lights down here in the Reclusium… what’s wrong with this effing thing…!?!? 🤬🤬🤬


Shitter Shenanigans


Ugh. USMC Headquarters? The Prime Minister’s Office? RCMP K Division? Gotta be some place that accommodates customers prone to super high fibre diets. Can you imagine the electrical requirements for the high output fans? Life is much better out here in the country! Warm wooden logs, perhaps a strategically dug stench trench, spring breezes… it restores the soul.

I have to laugh…my buddy is into aquariums. He’s got three tanks, salt and fresh water, grey tanks, filtration tanks…and they are all plumbed like that… 😂👍 I wisely kept my rude jokes to myself and somehow kept from laughing when I complimented his installation. But…what the hell, right? If it works, shut up and smile and take the win.

Tuesday Moron Matineé: Retards Get In Free

Warning: offensive material ahead. Poor taste, off colour content, inappropriate humour below the fold. Snivellers, bed wetters, pissers, and moaners are invited to enjoy the pretty picture and leave. 

Any riders past this point must be under 4 ft. tall, with no intellect, self respect or redeeming qualities whatsoever.  The management assumes no liability, expressed or implied, for any hurt feelings or soiled undergarments.