Monday, March 17, 2025

Top O’ tha Marnin To All Me Irish Friends


Happy St. Paddy’s you drunken
tinkers n’ tosspots!!!

Serves ya right you lime green bastards!


🎶 It was the most befuckled country,
What ye have ever seen,
We hung their men and women 
For the wearing of the green… 🎵 

Wait a minute! Is that how it goes?
Methinks not!

Maybe I should leave these filthy ethnic
Ditties to the ethnic bards and mummers.


  1. Saint Paddy must be spinning in his grave, troons, fags, muslims and now Rosie O'Donnell...

  2. Rosie picked ireland because she doesn't like snakes and St paddy drove them all out.


  3. For the great Gaels of Ireland
    Are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry,
    And all their songs are sad.

    Happy St Patricks day to you

  4. With a last name like McDowell, I wonder what's lurking in my back ground...oh yeah! A great mom (unknown % of new world indian, but looked it) and dad, he really looked Irish. Adopted as a new born in '51.
    Birth mom and dad were Portuguese and German, was he Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, SS? escaping the war through Portugal? I wasn't curious back when I might have been able to find out. My outstandingly awesome, DNA makes me wonder if I'm the beneficiary of late 19th century, 20th century German eugenics. Yeah, I'll just go with that. I need some pizazz in my, otherwise, unknown history.
