Sunday, March 9, 2025

Stupid Fights


I wonder if there’s anything in the world we don’t have to fight about… ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘


  1. Interesting that Iran and Venezuela did the 30 minutes thing to be different from the USA/1st world countries/Great Satan...

  2. Multiple times terrorist have blown themselves up because of the time change.


  3. Don’t you know that daylight savings fades check curtains & puts the chooks off the lay.

  4. BTW - I think Huberman is mostly full of shit. I tend to do the opposite of most of what he says. I met too many people like him at uni & don’t trust him very much at all. Your mileage may vary.

  5. I vote to keep the time the same year around. This morning, I change the time on all of the following clocks
    Master bath analog clock
    2nd bath analog clock
    Master Bedroom analog clock above TV
    Master Bedroom digital alarm clock on dresser
    Master Bedroom analog clock by entry door
    Office analog wall clock
    Guest bedroom analog wall clock
    Dining room analog wall clock
    Living room digital clock on entertainment center
    Living room analog clock above fireplace
    Stove digital clock
    Microwave digital clock
    Garage analog clock
    Shed analog clock *to do list for this afternoon)
    Patio analog clock
    But the car sets the time automagically

    I need a nap after all that!

  6. Nope. We'll fight if there's only two together. Put one of us in a room alone, and we'll beat the shit out of ourselves just for practice.

  7. Spring ahead - no.
    Fall back - should be three or four times a year, especially New Year's Day.

    I'm retired, so this doesn't really apply to me, but when I was gainfully employed and having to fight off the urge to bring my shotgun to work and... never mind.

    I'm a punctual person. I hate waiting around for someone, and I hate being late, so the most difficult times during my life was when I had a clock watching boss. I absolutely hated it. He used to raise hell if I was two or three minutes late. Then he installed this goofy security system. It recorded the time you walked in, because you had to swipe your card. Then your time walking out - we suppose anyway, because there's no way for the system to know if you were walking in or walking out. So - come in fifteen minutes early, tailgate out, then produce a report of the data file the system kept. Looks like I'm due a little overtime, doesn't it?

  8. Is the US the only nation that does this retardation?
    Just looked it up. North America, Europe, Aussies and thats about it. So basically Whitey
