Saturday, March 22, 2025


Poosting may be light today. I gotta get out and fly some FPV crapcopters today and seriously walk the Niglet. Flapz likes my FPV crapcopters and had to have his own…so he bought one of the new flight controllers … and good grief. Everything has to be configured from the computer or your cell phone. None of these devices want to talk to each other. Nowadays ya gotta configure the ESC’s and VTXs off the on line utilities too. Whadda fricken shit show! And then there’s a dozen settings and interlocks that have to be just right or the props won’t even spin. I gotta figure that all out too. My stuff is all about 7 years old and the new gen stuff is a whole new can a worms. Think I might start some tobacco seeds today too. 

I hope you guys all have something fun on the schedule today. So let’s get this weekend started off right! With some spam, spewage and some refreshing cerebral flatulence!




  1. The 50's was great, that was pre feminism, pre mass migration of retards and good wages and jobs.


  2. Ralph Wiggum is Buddhist? That’s a manji (Buddhist swastika) and not a Mustache Man swastika. 🤨

  3. Foil covered house?!?! That's genius!!! I've got a 40lb roll of Costco foil...AND A MISSION!!! Thangquuue, Filthie, The Educator.
