Friday, March 28, 2025

No Squaddies, No Googling, No Whispering In The Peanut Gallery

So: what is that thing? I think it’s that new SAW gun
in 223?

How many rounds are in that magazine?

I’m gonna guess 250…


  1. The big box carried 200 linked rounds of 5.56, 1-in-5.

  2. I think it's a SAW 249 in 5.56. I THINK the cartridge carrier holds 50. Those things weren't even a twinkle in somebodies eye when I got out of the Army Guard in '85.
    ...DOH!! It was introduced in '84, so, WELL passed twinkle or tinkle stage.
    BUTT HEY! We had Genuine Full Auto M16 A1's! Not those piece-O-shit, A2, three round bursters!! So fuck you!!

  3. Minimi.

    Chutes Magoo

  4. It's a SAW (Squad Assault Weapon) with 200 shots of 5.56 in the belt.

  5. M-249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon, Light) 5.56x45mm, with a 200 round plastic box-drum mag using M855A1 Ball and M856 Tracer in a 5x1 Mix. 850 rounds per minute, although with the earlier FN (Fabrique Nationale) barrels with the adjustable gas cylinder, on "emergency, it ran up to 1200 rpm. This was my primary weapon when I was in. I positively LOVE the SAW
