Thursday, March 13, 2025

Malibu Filthie’s Super-Fun RV


Oh man.

Up on the flying bridge, Filthie’s old lady is at the wheel.
Down below Filthie and his retarded friends are playing in a mobile
Reclusium! Cederq is on the bandsaw, Filthie’s on the table saw, Pete is on the drill press,
and Mike is carefully picking his nose with an exacto knife.

Coming from the opposite direction is a van filled with high 
profile bank robbers travelling at 140 MPH - with Constable JL in hot pursuit.
Coming from the west is Exile in a dynamite truck, and from the east, Don in a propane truck.

We’d make great action figures, fellas.


  1. I don't see no bandsaw in there, you probably have me back with Mike sharing that exacto knife...

  2. You can always save the sawdust to put in a shoebox to have a place to dump magnum butt-steamers.
