Wednesday, March 12, 2025

He Got One Thing Right

FA’d and FO.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And the real winner will not be recognized! HAR HAR HAR!

“You will see this material again.”

Yes, you will. And again and again and again and again. Because fools never learn. When this all started these people told us the war would be over in 6 weeks. Baba and Judwiga posed with their AK47s, and would water their flower gardens with the blood of Russian soldiers. The Russians were stupid! Their equipment was no good! They had no spares or ammunition! 

Then it was, “We’ll send Javelins! They’ll scrap the obsolete Russian tanks!!!”. Then it was Bradley fighting vehicles, which were all scrapped in their first battle. A bunch of M1 Abrahms tanks were sent over and haven’t been heard from since. 

Now they’re telling us that Russia can come charging west any moment in one breath, and that Russia is a paper tiger in the next. If you’ve ever needed proof that some guys can suck and blow in the same breath…there ya go! You’re welcome.

The world is changing. But the fools and Yesterday Men remain stubbornly the same. Wise men learn from history, and fools will repeat it.

1 comment:

  1. Aesop isn't wrong.

    There is plenty of shit-splatter to go around.

    He left out the Europeans who have beating the drum for zero-carbon in public but are addicted to Russian and eastern Ukrainian oil. In their case it was them goading the Ukes "We are in this together. Let's him and you fight"

    It seems very foolhardy to GIVE Zelensky any more U.S. long range missiles when he has a demonstrated habit of firing them at Russian cities deep within Russia.
