Y’know… it’s been pretty much obvious to anyone with a triple digit IQ that our North American institutions of science and learning have pretty much collapsed and prolapsed. Covid was an offence to the intellect and reasoned thought. Environmentalism is too. Critical Race Theory is retardation on nitrous oxide. America’s continuing debacles in space exploration are modern science and engineering comedy in motion. They were doing anll these things very well 60 years ango. Our intellectual elites are obviously morons. Which reminds me - can someone please give Neil de Grasse Tyson a banana?
So - what the hell happened? Academics love the tale of Galileo who bravely stood up to simpletons like the Pope and his clerics. But…if you dig into the history Galileo was not the hotshot he was cracked up to be. His telescopes were blurry with inferior optics. Some of his “observations” were pulled out of his arse. Although heliocentrism was essentially the correct model of the solar system, it couldn’t predict future movements of the planets because the orbits were assumed to be circular rather than elliptical. People forget that Geocentric models of the solar system could predict future movements accurate to the last decimal place. These are the kinds of details missing from modern popular narratives. But Galileo is remembered today as a whiz kid among pig ignorant superstitious, murderous Bible thumpers. And - by extension - today’s modern academics are as well.
And yet, in today’s intellectual circles, if a modern Galileo or Copernicus were to arise… the current scientific establishMINT would tear him to shreds. Revolutionary thought is now heresy among the intellectuals and they fear and loathe it with the heat of 1000 suns.
But… Sabine always has ammo for her arguments. And it’s good ammo too - she’s used it very effectively against the bullies and braggarts and fops that she’s gone against in the halls of academia. I try to ignore her for the most part but some of the brawls she’s stirred up are just too good to miss. Unlike some, I am smart enough to avoid arguments with women that are smarter than I am. I love watching the tall foreheads, eggheads and haughty hotheads of academia in pitched pie fights.
This is why I think the recent developments in quantum computing may be earth shaking events. In the last century physicists had to tear apart their established narratives, preconceived theories and models and rebuild them from the ground up several times. I don’t think portals into higher dimensions or alternate worlds are opening up… but I DO think that the discrepancies in the data are probably hinting something that might help us understand quantum mechanics. But who knows? Given the guys currently in charge… we may never sort it out. For those scientific imposters - all science is settled.
For a spectacular essay on what’s wrong with modern science - and you don’t want to put up with Sabine - an excellent treatise on the subject comes from everyone’s favourite Martian - John Carter of Barsoom.
It’s a deep dive, I’m only half way through it… but even so, it’s obviously a spectacular effort.
In my opinion, the road to better understanding quantum mechanics is through thermodynamics.
ReplyDeleteThermodynamics, not just a good idea, IT'S THE LAW!
DeleteAfter a few articles, I can confidently say I like the cut of this "John Carter" fella's jib. That's going in the bookmarks for sure.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Filthie!