Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A Curious Sense Of DetachMINT

 I have bitched before about how the average Canadian is an uneducable f-tard. I’ve watched these morons voot and support Justin Trudeau for 9 years straight. Granted, that was in cahoots with a stinking pajeet that runs the NDP which are even more odious people than the liberals. I’ve watched these hand waving, turd brained morons do their utter best to destroy their country and drive off anyone with brains, money or talent. I’ve watched them stare stupidly about when their schemes and plots fail, and then change the subject when their idiotic policies end badly for everyone. I watched it during Covid, the the war in the Kraine, and now again with the needlessly strained relations with the USA. My countrymen endlessly fook aboot … but they never seem to find out! I think that may actually change in the coming days.

Nowadays the Mean Bad Orange Man is “attacking our economy!!!”. If you try to point out that he is actually protecting his own - welp… you either stand behind the morons and queers that represent this country, or you’re a traitor!!! If you ask these people how they are going to replace the revenue lost by the customer that represents over 1/2 of our annual sales… “Daahhhhhhh - STFU, traitor!!! Fat Douggie Ford is gonna intimidate Blumpf into submission and MAKE him see reason!!!”

The Great Canadian Conservative Saviour, Smol PP - Pierre Ploieve -  has all the answers: In Northern Morontario, vast deposits of minreals are just sitting in the ground, waiting to be strip mined and sold to everyone but those stupid stinky Americans!!! He’s gonna green light vast industrial projects and put Canada back on its feet again.

Riiiiiiiight. Hmmmmmmm. Well, Pee Pee - sell that peach to an investor? Tell him why he must invest billions into a country that continuously voots for thieving, moronic socialists - that get their marching orders from menstrual and menopausal environmentalists - to risk their money in a country that hates them and wants ideally to kill them and take their stuff? Assuming you can, you’ll have to actually build the roads and infrastructure to support those projects. It’ll be at least 2 to 5 years before those projects to even start returning on their investment - all of which can be lost at anytime if an election goes the wrong way -


I am done. Yes, yes I am. If you assholes in Ontario and Quebec end up on welfare and food stamps, losing your homes and your jobs… I’m just peachy with it. I honestly will not give a shite. I want Alberta to be the 51st state! If you a-holes want to try your luck aligning with the EU… go for it! Best of luck to ya.

The key for me now is to develop a serious case of indifference to it all, and try and avoid the splatter of fecal material when these idiots meet Darwin and Murphy … again.  More importantly will be developing a healthier state of good humour and cheerfulness in a face of adversity. I’ve done it before when the oil industry busted, I can do it again. From where I sit, the writing is on the wall for Canada. I’m trying NOT to poost on politics and I’ve done a fairly good job lately.

I’ve stopped with the doom scrolling, I’ve unsubscribed from the more hysterical podcasters, and I’ve tried to tone down my own shit-poasting. It’s more work trying to find positive, interesting things to talk about… but so far the effort’s been worthwhile to me personally. I am not tooning out…but the negativity is contagious if you let it run away with you, and I’m trying to pare it back.

Ultimately regardless of how The Current Thing progresses - it isn’t a choice. America and Canada need each other and we must eventually come to respect each other again. The alternative will not “sell”- to either of us. I believe the people responsible for the last decade of Canadian fiascos and debacles are going to get run out on a rail in the next election - just as they are in the US right now. Hard times have a way of re-focusing people’s attention on what is important and what is not. 

It might be wiser to try and be ahead of the herd on that one than behind it. 

Sorry for the political sewer back up on this blog… our trained professionals are on the job and will hopefully clear the 72” pipelines soon. Good things are starting to happen too, and it might be good to try and focus on them and be patient while our countrymen up here try to unfuck themselves too.

You guys take care out there - and thanks for stopping in.



  1. if I may sir-
    no need to apologize to anyone (except maybe Jesus) for your opinions. We are here voluntarily, and I dare say we have our big boy pants on. We know this is your blog (YOURS) to do with as you wish.
    Additionally, I suspect most here concur with you.
    I know I do.

    Stay true to yourself.
    The Bible says sth about not riring of doing “right”.

  2. You seem optimistic today, that's good. New List of prohibited TERRORIST guns (150ish?), not so good.
    Good thing y'all didn't register those evil things...oh, wait...
    Might want to get to work on that 51st state thing, it may be the most likely to be successful.

  3. Focus on making yourself resilient G. Get fit, detach from the system as best you can. Communities of right thinking people will organically form on their own, leaving the morons to chew on the shit sammy they had an hand in creating. They ban guns...find a place to blast unencumbered by the dictates of the state...pins out, fuck them! Don't comply with anything that is contrary to Gods Law! An bit of hardship goes a long way in procuring your brand of freedom. I personally only participate in those things that make me happy! If they could, they would ban breathing, are you going to comply? Of course not. Now go make yourself an grilled cheese and tomato soup to take the edge off!

    Chutes Magoo

  4. Yes, Filthie....this is the way.

    Good post. Pretty much exactly my feelings.


  5. Trump: ‘It’s Easier to Deal’ with a Liberal in Canada than Poilievre,
    He ‘Said Negative Things’
